
Showing posts from May, 2017


 What is it to be in a monogamous relationship or married today? I've noticed a few post on social media where everyone is talking about how hard it is to find a good man/woman. How everyone is cheating, or how courting is a thing of the past. On one of the sites, in particular, there was a post where one woman stated that finding the right mate is almost impossible nowadays because all the men want women to take care of them. I thought hmm , could this be true? Then, a few hours later, there was another one that stuck out to me. It was a message to all women from men asking why is it that the ladies of today, don't cook as they once did back in the old days. I found the question to be an interesting one. Are men looking for women to support them? If so, are women to blame for this? In my opinion, so many relationships are failing today because everyone seems to be for self. No one wants to put in the hard work to make their union last. In a relationship, a hundred percent

#Urban Fiction Books Greetings everyone! My name is N.L. Hudson and I am a new author on the scene. The reason I'm here is to begin a platform for individuals who love to read. My goal is to connect with those such readers and get your opinions on what it is that you like and do not like in a great urban fiction book. Many, have different preferences on what they love to see in a novel. Take, for instance, I was reading a few Facebook post, and I saw several people mention that they are tired of seeing weak women in the urban fiction stories; e.g. those who, "allow men to cheat on them, beat them, or treat them like dirt." Now, I'm a reader as well, and I don't necessarily want to see a woman that is so weak, it makes you sick just reading the content. However, I do believe that authors try to closely relate some book situations to reality as humanly possible. Although fiction, you have to be able to connect with the reader as best as you can. Otherwise,