
 What is it to be in a monogamous relationship or married today? I've noticed a few post on social media where everyone is talking about how hard it is to find a good man/woman. How everyone is cheating, or how courting is a thing of the past. On one of the sites, in particular, there was a post where one woman stated that finding the right mate is almost impossible nowadays because all the men want women to take care of them. I thought hmm, could this be true? Then, a few hours later, there was another one that stuck out to me. It was a message to all women from men asking why is it that the ladies of today, don't cook as they once did back in the old days. I found the question to be an interesting one.

Are men looking for women to support them? If so, are women to blame for this? In my opinion, so many relationships are failing today because everyone seems to be for self. No one wants to put in the hard work to make their union last. In a relationship, a hundred percent of effort has to be given on both parts. No one person should take on the full responsibility of doing everything. No, there should be an equal willingness to make it work. If everyone looked out for each other instead of self, there would be no question on if the other party was happy.

As for dating, what happened to a guy asking a woman out? Then, of course, with mutual agreement, picking her up and taking her some place special?  Maybe guys have stopped doing this because women have become okay with men just coming over to hang out. However, even with that, a respectful man should be able to convince the woman that he would like to take her on a date if he is really interested, right? In the bible, it states that "he who finds a wife find a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord." Proverbs 18:22. If marriage is no longer the goal then why is there dating?

Also, what happened to long talks on the phone. Have they become replaced with simple text? Has technology made it too difficult for a normal courtship to exist? Maybe! Then again the two people involved could make their own rules. Therefore, choosing to think outside the box. Just because everyone else is doing it, does it mean that they have to do it too? When a person really wants something bad enough, they will go after it.

Now, with the topic of cooking. If it is that woman's desire to cook a meal, then there's nothing wrong with doing so. If' a woman is married or dating, and their significant other asks for a home cooked meal, should she oblige his request if she doesn't want to do it? What are your thoughts on this?

Alright, this concludes my blog today. Just to advise, the points made above are just my thoughts and opinions. Everyone sees things differently. If you have a question or point to make, then, by all means, feel free to chime in.  Until next time, see you later!

N.L. Hudson


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