Excerpt of N.L. Hudson's upcoming release!

Good afternoon all,

So, I know it has been a while. I've been swamped working on a few things. But I haven't forgotten about you guys. Alright, let's jump right in. The first thing that I would like to talk about is that I have an event coming up. It's a book signing that I'll be attending. It's not specifically for me, there will be other great authors in attendance. The great news for me is that this will be my first signing since I've been an author. I am super excited about this opportunity because I'll get a chance to meet some of the greatest that has ever done it. Also, I'll be able to meet a lot of readers and other influential people. The details will be listed below. The event is free to the public, and you can get your tickets on eventbrite.com. *Hurry and get your tickets before they're all gone. The cutoff is September 1st.

Now, the second thing that I would like to discuss is that I'm working on a spinoff from my standalone novel; All I Ever Wanted Was A Love Like Yours. This book will be about Micah and Vic. They seemed to be the most liked couple in the book, and I also feel as though they had more story to be told about them. Therefore, I wanted to do a tale specifically about them. As stated above, I've already started to write it, and I have an excerpt that I wanted to give you guys. It'll also be listed below. Again, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy it. **********Maturity is advised. Read at your own risk. All rights are reserved!*********


Untitled and Unedited: Spinoff Story 

Chapter One

It was four thirty am, and Micah was looking at her phone for the fifteenth time. She had called Vic, but he hadn’t picked up or bothered to return her call. To Micah’s dismay, it was the third time that week that he had come home late and she was getting really fed up. For the most part, they had been doing good up until about a few months back. Well, they’d done as best as two crazy ass people could. They had their seven-month old daughter, Princess who Vic and Micah both adored with all their hearts. They’d recently upgraded their place to a huge five bedroom, four baths, two car garage home. Micah, herself had decorated. All Vic had to do was open his wallet, and she'd made their home look as if it were something out of a home and garden magazine. Then there was the proposal that had come just a month after Micah had given birth to their little angel. Vic had blessed his soon to be wife with a diamond so bright that you could see it shining from a mile away. To the world, it seemed like things were perfect, but unfortunately, they were far from it. For reasons unknown, Vic had seemed to change. He was keeping late hours at the club, hanging out until the wee hours of the morning with his boys, and not answering Micah calls whenever she needed him. If she didn’t know any better, Micah would have to say that Vic was up to his old ways again. And if that were the case then they would definitely have a problem on their hands. Because that was one thing that Micah wasn’t about to put up with, was the lying and disrespect. 

Just as Micah was getting ready to dial his number for the umpteenth time, she heard the alarm for the door chime indicating that Vic had finally decided to drag his ass into the house. Micah briefly closed her eyes while taking a deep breath. She had to prepare herself for the blowup that was sure to come. Because for sure it was bound to be one. Micah had made that clear the last time Vic came in super late just a few days prior. Throwing her legs over the side of the bed, Micah slowly made her way up and headed towards the door. On her way out, she took a glance inside of Princess crib to make sure that she was still sleeping. When she saw that she was, Micah made her way out of their bedroom. Gently pulling the door up behind her, she eased it closed. With each step that she took, Micah became angrier and angrier. From where she stood, she could hear Vic whispering on the phone. He knew damn well that she didn’t play games. And for him to come into the house at damn near five, not bother to check her out, and then hold a call as if it were three o’clock in the afternoon, had Micah seeing red. As she headed down the stairs, she realized that he was closer than she initially thought. Vic was standing right at the bottom step, and he had his back to her. At that instance, Micah had the right mind to pick up something and toss it at his ass, but she’d learned a while back never to hit a man if you didn’t want them to hit you. That lesson had come from her dealing with her old fling, Teddy. So, Micah just prepared to use her mean mouthpiece to handle his ass instead. When she hit the last step, Vic had just finished his call and was tucking his phone inside of his pocket. When he turned around, there stood Micah with her hands on her hips. She glowered down at him, and he just stood there with that damn cocky ass grin of his.

“What you doing up?” Vic asked casually and Micah sucked her teeth.

 “Hmm, let me see. I have been calling my man all night, and for some strange reason, he couldn’t seem to pick up the phone. Then, he had the nerve to bring his ass in the house at damn near five o’clock in the morning. Oh, and let’s not mention the fact that I just caught him on the phone whispering,” Micah concluded in a sarcastic tone. 

With a blank expression, Vic stared at her as if he didn’t understand the problem. “Okay,” he finally said. 

By now Micah was beyond pissed. She’d tried her best to keep her composure, but with the way that Vic was acting all nonchalant it only further infuriated her.

“What the hell do you mean, okay!” Micah snapped as she stepped off the stair. She looked up at his tall frame, and wanted nothing more than to slap the shit out of him. But just as before, thoughts of being hit back weighed heavily on her brain. Therefore, she kept her arms to her side.

“I’m saying, what’s the problem. You knew that I was at the club, so tell me why you’re tripping,” Vic said. Irritation was now evident in his tone. He was getting tired of Micah coming to him with the same shit day in and out. She was always on his ass, and since Vic was a grown ass man, he didn’t feel the need to check in with anybody. Micah just needed to understand that she couldn’t control him.

“Okay, you seriously want to play these games with me right now? I mean you know I’m always down to play them if you want to go that way” Micah stated with a roll of her neck. Vic knew how she once got down, so he needed to watch how he handled her. It would be nothing for Micah to go out and find her a man just to piss him off. However, since she had turned over a new leaf, she was trying to do things the right way for the both of their sakes. But he definitely needed to tread lightly with her.

Vic being the smart man knew exactly what she was saying, and he didn’t like it one bit. “So, what you saying that you trying to go out and fuck something?” Vic asked while inching closer.  Micah stepped back. She was so used to being flip at the mouth with everyone that she’d suddenly forgotten who she was dealing with. Vic was crazy; that much she knew. And saying just any ole thing to him wasn’t going to fly.

Clearing her throat, she decided to take a different approach. All she wanted to do was to get him to see her point. She was always at home with the baby while he ran the streets and she was getting a little tired. She loved their daughter to no end, but with all the time that she was putting in alone, made it sometimes feel as if she were a single parent and she definitely hadn’t signed up for that. 

“No, I’m not saying that at all.  I just want you to understand that I would like a little of your time. Baby, you’re always gone, and I be so lonely sitting in this house all by myself,” she said with tears now glistening her eyes.

Vic took notice and felt a little sorry that he’d caused her to once again shed some tears. Seemed he had been doing that a lot lately, and that was one thing that he hated. Vic stepped closer to Micah closing the gap in between them. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. As he did, Micah stared up at him. She was so confused. What had happened to them? It was as if they were suddenly back at the place when they first met each other and she didn’t like that. During those times, Vic and Micah couldn’t stand one another. Yeah, they’d eventually gotten their shit together, but the things that they'd had to endure just to be a couple was not something that Micah wanted to revisit. They were supposed to be living in their happily ever after. Not moving backward.

 Suddenly, Vic kissing her neck brought Micah out of her thoughts. She stared up at him with a look that couldn’t quite be determined by Vic.

“Look, I apologize for coming home late. And from now on, I’ll make sure to come in at a decent time. How about that?” Vic asked. Micah rolled her eyes. She wanted so much to remain angry with him, but the strings that Vic held to her heart were being tugged at. It was just something with his gentle smile, accompanied by his dark, brown eyes, and kissable lips that were melting Micah like a chocolate candy bar that had been left out in the hot summer’s sun. He was just too much for her, and it was something about him apologizing that always seem to break Micah down. That was one thing about Vic, he rarely stated that he was sorry about anything. So, it felt good to hear him admit to his wrongs whenever he did it. But make no mistakes, Micah wasn’t letting him off the hook that easy, she just knew when to throw in the towel. Besides that she was horny, and she knew just the way to make Vic pay for keeping her up all night.

“Don’t get fucked up Vic,” she finally responded with a light chuckle.

“I got you, baby. And just so you know that was TJ that I was on the phone with. He was telling me about something that happened at the other club earlier. That’s it,” Vic explained the reason why he was on the phone when he had first entered their house. Micah chose to remain silent. As she’d just mentioned, she would let it go for now. But Vic had better not be up to no funny shit.

“So, you forgive a nigga?” Vic asked while lifting her chin to force her to look him in the eyes. He then gave Micah a sly grin that made her shake her head.

“Okay, we can drop it...for now anyway!” Micah said finally giving in.

“Good, ‘cause I can’t have my favorite girl mad at me,” Vic said and placed another kiss on her neck.

“Well, come and show me just how sorry you are then,” Micah said grabbing Vic’s dick and giving it a gentle squeeze. She then took off running up the stairs. Vic gave chase while slapping her ass.

"Owww!" Micah laughed uncontrollably.

And just like that, Vic had won her over again. They were now back in their happy place. The only question that posed, was if they could stay that way. For a couple that was as stubborn and set in their ways as Micah and Vic was, it was always so easy for them to fall back into that familiar territory of love and hate. Hopefully, they would learn to move past that and try their best to make it last. Because one thing was for certain, the two genuinely loved one another and that was an immutable fact that couldn't be denied. 



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