Upcoming release

Good Morning,

So, I wanted to dive right in today. Currently, I'm working on a finale to a 2 book series.
What the story is about is a young married couple, Nahir and Paisley. They've been together for two years and married for four at the time of the novel. Well, they seem to have this great relationship. The two support each other with their business endeavors, they host parties, and they have date nights, and they just love each other. But then, tragedy strikes with Paisley. Her father, who is like the apple of her eye has been caught cheating on her mother. Paisley's parents have been married for thirty years, so she is devastated to learn that her father has stepped out on the seemingly perfect relationship that he's had. So, Paisley she sort of has a breakdown; the life as she knew it felt as though it was over. During her depression stage, Paisley turns to her own husband for a shoulder to lean on. Initially, she had his support, but after a while, it becomes too much for Nahir to deal with. He understands his wife feelings regarding the situation, but he doesn't think that it is as bad as Paisley makes it out to be. Plus, he believes that she is too invested in her parent's marriage. At that point, Nahir starts to resent Paisley. One, because she spends all of her time talking about her parents, and two, she isn't giving him the child that he has wanted since they first got married. So, with each day that passes, Nahir starts to pull away from Paisley. And after some time, he finds himself entertaining the wrong company.

Alright, so that's the brief description of the story. I wanted to give you a little taste regarding what the book is about since I'm going to be working on part two. Here -https://www.authoressnlhudson.com, you'll find the link to my website so that you may be able to purchase the book before part two releases. Friday, I'm going to do a sneak peek of the book, and then next Friday, I'm going to do a second sneak peek for the finale.

Please feel free to comment with any questions or topics that you'll like to discuss in the reply section below.

Thank you,
N.L. Hudson


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