Sneak peak for upcoming book release -Love In The Ring: Final Round


I'm going to be dropping a sneak peek to my two part novel, Love in The Ring: The Final Round. I'll be doing this a couple days a week until the novel drops in December.
If you've read part one, check out a sneak peek of part two below. ***Please do not read if you haven't read part one***

This sneak peak has profanity, and some language that may be offensive. NOT SUITABLE FOR KIDS UNDER 18!

Click here for book 1 - Love In The Ring: Round One
Copyright © 2018 by N.L. Hudson. Published by SOUL Publications. All rights reserved This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales or, is entirely coincidental. No portion of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without writer permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

**Sneak Peek (1) Unedited**


A few hours after the incident

"So what you’re telling us is that it was a ghost driving the vehicle?The detective asked me.

“Y’all muthafuckas tryna be funny. Hell nah it wasn’t no ghost.”

“Who was it then? When we got there is was only you and Jon-Jon on the scene. We know it wasn’t him driving because he was underneath the truck. Unless you can tell me that it was someone else there, then all the evidence points to you,” the ball headed, fat sloppy white detective said. I released a deep breath in frustration. Even though Brisham left me to deal with this shit, I still couldn’t bring myself to snitch on my cousin. I was stalling these muthafuckas out while waiting to see if Brisham would turn himself in. I don’t know how long I had been here, but I figured it was a few hours. My throat was dry, my body felt weak, and I was exhausted.

“Saadiq, this isn’t looking too good for you. Right now you’re not giving us nothing; you’ve refused to take a sobriety test, and I feel that you’re lying about what happened tonight. At this point I feel that we should just lock your ass up since you don't wanna cooperate,” the black detective that was with him shouted.

“Man, do what the fuck y’all wanna do because I’m done talking to y’all. Matter fact I want my phone call, and I want a lawyer.” They both ice grilled my ass before turning to each other.
“Alright then fuck it. He’s gonna go down for this anyway.” 

"Yeah you're right. That's actually better for us. Now we won't have to deal with his black ass. I can go home to my family." The white detective said to the black one. I shook my head as I sat back in my seat.

"Racist muthafucka," I mumbled. "And yo Uncle Tom ass dumb as fuck for working with this bitch." I snarled at the black officer.
He slammed his hand on the table. "Shut the fuck up! I will k..."

"Whoa, calm down there." The white officer patted the black officer's chest.
"Yeah house nigga, calm yo ass down," I grumbled.
That time he just looked at me and frowned.
“Alright Saadiq, have it your way.” The white detective told me. They both stood up and ambled out of the interrogation room.

“Fuck,” I gritted as I put my head in my hands. This shit could not be happening, I thought. Just a few hours ago I was enjoying my family and making plans to start a new life. Now I was stuck in this bitch wondering what the future held for me. I should have listened to Gee when he told me something was up with Brisham. Maybe my boy would still be here if I would’ve listened. Suddenly, the door opened and in waltzed the last person I expected to see. “Uncle Cordea. I told these muthafuckas this shit wasn’t on me, but they won’t believe me,” I said.

"What are you talking about, what wasn’t on you?” He looked at me strangely.

“I didn’t wreck that truck man.”
“Listen Saadiq, I understand that this is all scary for you. Jon-Jon was one of your close friends, so you feel bad about killing him. However lying isn’t gonna help you out of this,” he stated. I frowned as I stared at him. This nigga wasn’t even try to ask me what happened. Right off he was telling me that I’d done it without getting the full story.

“You ain’t hearing me Unk. I didn’t do this shit and I ain’t confessing to shit,” I barked.
My uncle pulled out one of the chairs and brought it around to my side of the table. He faced it towards him before sitting on it.
“I want you to hear me out. If you do not tell them the truth they will give you life without parole. This is a serious situation, and I need you to start treating it as such. The judge ain't gon' give you another slap on the wrist like they did when you were younger. Someone’s  life was taken tonight. Do you hear me?”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” I frowned.
“I’m saying, come clean and tell them that you made a mistake. The judge will show leniency if he sees that you’re remorseful.”

“But I didn’t do this shit. It was your fuckin…”

“Shut the fuck up,” My uncle leaned towards me and gritted. I lifted my eyebrow as I glared at him. It was then I realized what the fuck was going on. Apparently Brisham had gone to his daddy and told him what happened, and now I had this eerie feeling they were gonna get me to take the fall for this shit.

I shook my head. “He told you huh?” I finally asked.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Him who?” He smirked.
“You know exactly who he is,” I whispered angrily.
“I don't know what you're talking about. I just got a call that someone had been killed during a DUI. When I came in I saw that the driver was you, and the victim was Jon-Jon. I spoke with my officers and they informed me that you weren’t cooperating. I figured I would try to offer you some advice.”
As I bit the inside of my jaw, I shot daggers at my uncle’s bitch ass.

“Get me a fuckin’ lawyer nigga, and I want my phone call,” I bellowed.

“Alright you’ll get your phone call, but first I want to make sure that you understand me. Take your time like a real man. Like I mentioned earlier you’ll be out before you know it. There will still be time for you to box and do whatever else you wanna do. If you try to fight it, then you’re only gonna make it harder for yourself and those around you. I’m sure you don’t want Talya and Jenny suffering from your mistakes, do you?” My uncle looked me dead in the eyes as he spoke. I didn’t need him to spell this shit out any clearer for me, because I got exactly what he was saying.

“I want my phone call.” I repeated. My uncle nodded while standing. He stepped over to me and grabbed my shoulder.

“Don’t worry I’ll make sure that your books are taken care of, and I’ll keep my eye on your family too.”

That was it, I had lost any lil bit of restraint I’d been holding on to. I jumped out of my seat and hit my uncle with a mean ass two piece. He went flying backwards like he was falling off a cliff. The two detectives ran into the room and immediately hemmed me up. They threw me into the wall while forcefully gripping my hands behind my back. “That’s another charge. You just keep digging yourself further into a hole,” the black detective gritted as he roughly threw the handcuffs on me.

“Fuck all y’all muthafuckas!” I boomed with spittle flying from my mouth. At that moment I didn’t give a damn about shit. My life was ruined and it was all Brisham’s fault. I didn’t have shit else to lose. As the detective started to walk me out of the holding room, my uncle called out to him.


“Yes Chief?”

“Let’s forget about this incident. Right now my nephew is just frustrated. He’s lost his best friend, his career, and now his freedom all in one night. I should have been more understanding when he asked me for his phone call, but I just wanted him to understand that he needed to tell the truth. Trust me when I say that this is not his usual behavior. I’m sure he’s gonna do the right thing by telling you guys everything that transpired. Right Saadiq?” My uncle questioned. I glared at that nigga with foam damn near leaking from my mouth. As much as I wanted to expose my uncle for this bogus ass shit, I knew that I couldn’t do that. At this point it was my word against him and his punk ass son.

“Yeah I’ll tell you the truth,” I finally spat. My uncle winked at me while holding his busted lip.
“Well sit your ass down and start talking,” the detective ordered while pushing me back towards the table.


  1. I can't wait for part 2, do you have a release date yet?


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