Sneak Peek Of Upcoming Book Release (All I Ever Wanted Was A Love Like Yours)

Good Afternoon All!

This blog is going to be a special treat for you guys. I wanted to give you a sneak peek from my upcoming book release. A Standalone novel...All I Ever Wanted Was A Love Like Yours! (Warning) This piece does contain some profanity, sexual and graphic language. ****READ AT YOUR OWN RISK**** I hope you guys enjoy. If you like, leave a comment below to tell me what you think.  ***ALL RIGHTS RESERVED*****


One week later

Vic had just left the barbershop, where he had just gotten his hair cut. He was now headed to grab him something to eat before he headed home. While cruising through streets, Vic thought about his life and everything that had brought him to the point of where he currently was. Growing up, he hadn’t had a close relationship with his mom because she had always thought that her boyfriends were more important that her own son. She would always make Vic do things for the men that weren’t usual for a little boy to do. Things like ironing their clothes, fixing them sandwiches, and picking up behind the losers whenever a mess was made. Not only that, when it came to Vic, his mother didn’t care what he got into either. As long as he had helped her to pay the bills, her concern was elsewhere. And that’s why Vic had turned to the streets with Chaz. There hadn’t been a real male role model in his life to show him a better way, so it wasn’t like he had any other choice. The only person that had ever looked out for him was Chaz’s mother, Ms. Eileen. Which is why to the day, Vic called her momma instead of the woman that had actually birthed him.

Vic finally pulled up to the spot where he was going to get his food from, and when he did, he saw Micah in front of the burger joint talking to some lanky looking nigga. She had on a little pair of blue jean shorts and a white muscle tank top. When he looked down at her feet, he saw that she had on a pair of sandals that laced up her legs. Vic sat back for a minute and peeped her out in action. It was evident that Micah was getting ready to make the man another one of her victims. The way that she was smiling let Vic know that she was feeling him. For some reason, the whole scene pissed him off, and he was about to put an end to it. So, after seeing all that needed to be seen, Vic stepped out of his Benz and hit the alarm. He walked over to Micah, who was completely enthralled in the conversation and draped an arm over her shoulder. Micah stopped talking and stared up at him.

“Don’t cut your conversation short on my behalf,” Vic smiled showing his white teeth.

The guy that was talking to Micah stared at Vic. He knew exactly who the man was before he even approached them. Since Vic and Chaz had once been deep in the streets, they had earned themselves a reputation that seemed to follow them over into their legit lives. It was a known fact that Chaz and Vic were some ruthless niggas, and just because they were now businessmen, neither was above putting in that work if it needed to be handled.

“Boy, what are you doing?” Micah asked but didn’t bother removing Vic’s arm from around her neck.

“Shit, I just came to get me one of them burgers, and I noticed a friend, so I said I would stop and see what was up with you,” Vic said.

Micah smirked. Vic was so full of shit, and she was on to his game. “Mhm,” she giggled.

She was just about to say something else when suddenly the guy that she had been talking to cleared his throat.

“Ahh-hmm,” he said as if he were trying to make his presence known again.  Micah and Vic turned to stare at him. It was like he hadn’t gotten the picture that Micah was no longer interested since Vic had shown up.

“Hey, I will catch up to you later,” Micah said. Since he couldn’t take a hint, she figured she would help him out.

“Aight, see you around,” he told Micah with slight disappointment. He couldn’t believe that he had been that close to getting with somebody as beautiful as her, and just that quick the opportunity had been snatched away. But although he was slightly vexed about Vic seizing his moment, the guy didn’t think that it was worth his life, so he slowly walked over to his car. He glanced back one more time and then hopped into a late model Lexus. 

Micah slightly frowned when she noticed the car that he was driving, and was glad that she hadn’t had the chance to give him her number.

 “You might want to tell your little boyfriend that he needs to come a little harder on his whip game,” Vic said and cracked up with laughter.

“Please, that is not my boyfriend,” Micah became defensive.

“Anyway, fuck all that, what you got in that bag?”  Vic took the brown paper bag from Micah’s hand and looked into it. Snatching one of the home fries out, he stuffed it into his mouth.

Micah stared up at him in disbelief. Not only had he run someone off that she was talking to, but he was also now digging in her food before she had the chance to eat it herself.

 “Un-fucking-believable,” she said.

“Damn, a nigga can’t get a fry?” Vic said.

Micah rolled her eyes. “Anyways,” she mumbled. “So, what was so important that you couldn’t wait until I was done with my conversation?”

“Nothing, I just wanted to say wassup. And c’mon ma let’s be real, you know that yo ass wasn’t digging that nigga anyway.” Vic laughed.

 “How do you know who I’m digging,” Micah asked while playfully snaking her neck. The fact is, she wasn’t digging the guy but Vic didn’t need to know that. 

“He ain’t your type. That nigga is a wannabe, and plus, he ain’t got enough money to fuck with you.”

“And just what the hell is that supposed to mean? Are you saying that I could be bought?” Micah asked.

 “If the price is right,” Vic stated in all honesty. Micah could try to pretend like she didn’t fuck with niggas who only had status, but him and her both knew what the deal was.

“Fuck you, Vic! You don’t know nothing about me,” she snapped.

“I know that money makes you cum,” Vic said and stepped into Micah’s personal space. He gripped her chin with his hand while forcing her to look at him. “With that being said, that nigga didn’t even have enough money to get that pussy wet,” he said, and Micah slapped his hand away.

“Get the hell away from,” she spat. Micah couldn’t believe that he had just read her like that. Vic was so fuckin cocky to her, and the shit drove her crazy. It was like he knew her almost better than she knew herself, and in and twisted way, his craziness turned her on.

“What you thought I wanted to kiss you?” Vic laughed, and Micah turned to walk away. He grabbed hold of her arm and stopped her, but Micah glared at him.  

“Let go of my arm Vic so I can go,” She said. She was highly upset because she had thought that he was about to kiss her. And although it was one of her rules, to never engage in any tongue action with the men she dated, Micah wouldn’t have been mad if had kissed her. Hell, it wasn’t like they hadn’t done it before. They kissed all the time when they had sex.

“What if wanted to come with you,” Vic said while staring into her eyes. He found himself getting caught up, and had to look away for just a second. So, he let Micah’s arm go and stepped back while giving her a sexy grin.

See, Micah and Vic had this sort of love-hate type of relationship that neither of them was sane enough to walk away from. They would talk shit to one another and then fuck each other’s brains out. And after the sexcapades had ended they would be right back to the point where both couldn’t stand the sight of the other one coming. It had been like that ever since they started messing around. Neither had even told their friends what they were doing.

“What if I don’t want to be around you?” Micah smirked.

            “But you and me both know that would be a lie,” Vic said. He lifted his hand and ran it along her jawline.

Micah’s clit slightly thumped, and even though she should have been cursing him out for being so disrespectful, all she could think about was him sliding his long, thick dick inside of her and fucking her brains out.

“Look, let me just run in here and order my food and then I will follow you to the crib,” Vic said.

 “What about my food? It’s gonna be cold by the time I get home if I wait on you,” she whined.

“Just warm that shit up girl, damn,” Vic said and watched Micah stomp off with her food and jump into her car. He shook his head and walked inside of the restaurant. It was a family owned joint that was known around the city of Chicago for having some of the best burgers in town. Vic ate there so often that everybody knew what he was getting as soon as he walked through the door.
“Jerry, what’s up with you man,” Vic yelled to one of the cooks that were working in the back.

 “Nothing brother. I’m just maintaining,” Jerry replied.

“Already!” Vic said and walked towards the register.

“What’s good Vic baby? You want the same thing as usual?” Erika, one of the cashiers, asked.

“You already know. But aye make it two of ‘em this time,” Vic stated and rubbed his hands together. He was already tasting the greasy burger and couldn’t wait until he got his food.
 “Vic, are you cheating on me?” Erika asked.

“Why you say that?” Vic gave her a mischievous grin.

Vic and Erika had always flirted with each other whenever he would come into the restaurant. Erika was a light skin lady with some huge breasts and a big ass. She had a cute face, and on several occasions, Vic would tease her by saying she resembled Jessica Dime from Love and Hip Hop Atlanta. Her man Ben hung in some of the same spots as Vic and Chaz, and although he wasn’t a friend of theirs, Vic still thought that Ben was a cool cat. So Vic never wanted to step on his toes by smashing his broad. Therefore, flirting was the furthest that he would ever go with her.

“Because I know that you ain’t about to eat all that by yourself. The other meal must be for some little chick that you got waiting for you.” Erika said and pursed her lips together.
“Baby, you know you’re the only one for me,” Vic stated jokingly.

“Mhm, let me find out differently,” Erika said with a roll of her eyes. “Anyways, that’s going to be 16.40,” she told him and held her hand out for him to pay. Vic gave her a twenty-dollar bill, and once Erika had him cashed out, she gave him back his change. He waited for about ten minutes and then his food was done. When Vic got outside he saw that Micah was still waiting, so he signaled to her that he was ready to go. Micah started her car, and Vic headed over to his to get in. When he got inside, he cranked his car and followed her out of the parking lot.

Vic and Micah had just pulled up to Micah’s house after driving for about ten minutes. Vic climbed out of his car and walked up to her door, while Micah went to retrieve her mail. He looked around the quiet neighborhood and noticed that it was a real nice neighborhood. He had never paid much attention to the houses around her before because whenever he would visit it would be nighttime. After she had her mail in hand, Vic watched Micah as she walked up to him. She placed her key into the door, and they both stepped inside. Once inside of the house, Vic made himself comfortable while Micah went to warm up her food.

“Aye," he called out to her just before she hit the doorway.

Micah stopped in her tracks and turned back to him. There in his hand, Vic held up a burger and some fries that he had replaced for her. Micah smirked. She couldn’t understand why he did some of the shit that he did.

“So, what am I gonna do with this,” she asked holding up her bag of food that was now cold.
“Heat that shit up later,” he said already digging into his food.

Micah walked over to the couch and placed her food on the table. Picking up the fries and burger that Vic had gotten for her, she started to dig in. While they ate, Micah turned her DVR to Power, and they both became engrossed in the show. For a while, all that could be heard throughout the room was the sounds of smacking and the voice of Tasha talking cash shit to Ghost. Both Vic and Micah were huge fans of the show, so neither said anything until the very end.  

And then after they had finished eating, and Power had gone off; they sat back and smoked a blunt. While they were smoking, Vic stared at Micah. He was starting to feel a little something for her but didn’t know if they could ever move past that limbo stage that they were stuck in. The fact that she happily admitted to being a gold digger didn’t necessarily sit too well with him. On the one hand, Vic could appreciate her honesty, but on the other, he thought about how that was one of the things he despised about women.

 “What…Why are you staring at me like that?” Micah asked as she found his eyes glued to her body.

It’s nothing,” Vic replied.  “Come sit over here next to me,” he said patting the spot beside him. Micah stood up and walked over to the sofa where Vic sat. She had to pull her shorts down some before she took a seat.

“Maybe you should wear shorts that don’t resemble panties, and you won’t have to dig them out of your ass,” Vic stated.

Micah blew him off because she didn’t find anything wrong with her shorts. If he had a problem with them, then that was on him. Sitting down on the couch, she crossed one leg over the other. 

Vic’s eyes trailed up Micah’s body. Stopping at her face, he stared at her and admired her beauty. He leaned in and pulled her closer to him, and planted a kiss on her lips. Micah moaned against his lips and threw her arms around his neck. They kissed so feverishly that it was almost as if they were making love with their tongues. After kissing for a while, Micah was the first one to pull away from the kiss. She was now so hot that she wanted Vic inside of her right then and there. “Damn, I’m hot,” she said while fanning herself.

“I tend to have that effect on women,” Vic said with a smirk.

“You are so fuckin cocky,” Micah said before climbing into his lap. Vic took Micah’s shirt, and pulled it over her head and tossed it to the floor. He unfastened her bra, and let her perky breast hang freely. Using his hands, Vic massaged them and then popped one into his mouth. He twirled his tongue around her nipple, and then went over to the other breast and did the same thing.

“Mmm,” Micah’s head fell back, and her mouth hung wide open. Like a dog in heat, she ground onto his dick. At that instant, Vic rocked up and couldn’t go another minute without being inside of her. He moved her from his lap and laid her back onto the couch. Parting her legs, he leaned over and trailed kisses down her midsection. Micah breathed heavily while staring at him. She was wondering what he was doing. When Vic made it to her shorts that were no question as to what he was about to do. She knew then that he was just as ready as her. Micah slightly lifted from the couch and allowed him to remove her bottoms. Once she was clad in nothing but her birthday suit from the waist down, Vic admired her shaven pussy. It was pink, and Micah’s bud was poking out as if it were saluting him. Lowering his head, Vic continued to kiss down her body until he made it to the area right above her vagina. He inhaled to get a good whiff of her stuff. Because if there was any bad odor, Vic was coming up and taking his ass home. Fortunately for him though, Micah was very thorough with her hygiene. Her pussy smelled of something sweet, so Vic took the tip of his tongue and licked her creamy center.

Micah’s eyes bucked halfway out of her head. That was surprising to her because Vic didn’t seem like the type that would go down on a woman.  It was feeling so good, that Micah couldn’t ever think of a time where she enjoyed anything else as much as she was enjoying getting her pussy eaten by him. “Sss,” she hissed.

Vic was now licking up and down her slit and had just inserted a finger into her. “Yeah, eat this pussy,” she yelled out. That gave Vic the boost he needed to put in that work. He twirled his tongue around at a rapid pace. Then he stiffened it and darted it into her hole over and over until he felt her juices seep out.

“I’m about to cuuummm,” Micah yelled, and her body trembled beneath him. She was breathing heavily and had to place her hand over her chest to catch her breath. “Damn that was good,” she said.

Vic smiled with Micah’s juices still glistening his face. Using his hand, he wiped his mouth and then stood to his feet. He pulled his pants and boxers down and stepped out of them. Vic then lifted his shirt over his head and tossed it to the floor. He walked in between Micah’s leg’s and rubbed his dick up and down her wet opening. He was just about to plunge in, but Micah placed her hand on his chest. “Wait, where is your condom,” she asked.

“C’mon girl, I ain’t got one,” Vic said with slight irritation. He was so hard that he could feel the skin stretching on his dick.

“No glove, no love,” she smiled at him.

 “Aye, I ain’t trying to hear that shit and plus I’m straight,” Vic stated. He was about to put this good dick inside of Micah. Damn what she was talking about.

“Nigga what did I say,” Micah said now leaning forward. But before she could protest any further, Vic had thrust into her. Micah’s attempt to make him stop became lighter and lighter, as he hit every corner of her walls. He was digging deep within in her, and the shit was feeling so good that she gave up and just went with it.

“Fuck, this pussy gets better and better,” Vic said while he stroked inside of her. Micah was now tightening her grip around his dick, and it took everything in him not to bust. With her legs on his shoulders, he slid in and out. The strokes were long and slow, and it felt as if they were making love instead of fucking.

            “Mmm, this dick feels amazing,”  Micah moaned.

Vic pulled out of Micah and pulled her up with him. Leaning back, he held her hand as she crawled on her knees over to his lap. Micah worked her way down onto his pole, but instead of her being in control like she normally did when she was on top, Vic immediately took control. He pumped into her while Micah had her arms wrapped tightly around his neck.

“Uhhhh,” Vic grunted as Micah bounced on him. She had now retaken her control and was doing a nasty dance on his dick. He had to slow her down because he was on the verge of cumin. But she was determined to showcase her skills. She spent around with Vic still rooted deep inside of her and with her back now to him, Micah bent over and grabbed her ankles. While bouncing her butt, she twerked all over his dick.

“Fuck girl…hold up! Argh shit,” Vic was talking in tongues. Micah had him discombobulated. He tried to get her to slow down, but she was determined to milk him for all that he had. She had once again tightened her muscles around him and bounced at the same time. When Micah did that, it was all that she wrote. Before he could tell her to hop up, Vic was cumin deep inside of her.

“Arrrrrgh,” he yelled out with his penis thumping from the nut he had just busted. “Damn girl, that was it!” Vic said and slapped Micah’s butt. 

“What the fuck?” Micah said hopping to her feet.

Using her hand, she placed it down between her legs. When Micah pulled her hand back, she frowned while staring at the sperm that was on the tip of her fingers. Just as she had thought, Vic had nutted inside of her, and she was pissed.
“Vic, I know that you didn’t just cum inside of me?” she yelled.

“What the fuck you wanted me to do?” Vic smirked. “You were twerking all over a nigga’s dick, and I couldn’t help it.”

He didn’t see what the big deal was. When they first started fucking around with each other, Micah had told him that she was on the pill. Neither Vic nor Micah were the type to sleep with numerous people without protection. Therefore, Vic thought that she was overreacting.

“Well you should have told me something,” Micah snapped.

“I tried to shawty when I grabbed hold of your hips. But yo walls had a death grip on my shit,” Vic said and chuckled, but Micah didn’t see the humor in the situation. She never allowed anyone to slid into her without first putting on a condom. Let alone dump their seeds inside of her.

“Nigga, you should have tried harder,” she said heading for her bathroom. Micah was gonna try to rinse it out and hoped that she didn’t get pregnant. She was no longer on her birth control because it had started to make her put on some weight.

 She walked into the bathroom and cut on the shower. After climbing inside, Micah removed her shower head and placed it between her legs and allowed the warm water to shoot inside of her. She silently prayed that it would do the trick. Also, it wouldn’t be a bad idea for her to visit the local Wal-greens the following morning, and grab a plan B pregnancy pill just to be on the safe side, Micah thought. Suddenly the sound of the shower curtain being yanked back startled her.

“Ahh!” she screamed and stared at Vic with her heart beating a mile a minute.
Vic stood before Micah in all his naked glory wearing that same arrogant smile as always. Micah stared at his brown, tall, lean frame and instantly became wet all over again. Her eyes trailed to his long penis that rested against the inner part of his toned thighs. Ugh, why does he have to be so fine? Micah thought to herself while biting down on her bottom lip. 

“Move over so I can climb in,” Vic demanded.

He had noticed Micah checking him out, and couldn’t resist the urge to piss her off even further. Micah was so cute when she was mad. To his surprise, Micah hadn’t gotten upset at all though, she had just made room so that he could climb inside with her. Vic removed the nozzle from her hand and placed it back in the holder. Then out of nowhere, he scooped Micah into his arms. With her legs gaped wide open, he forcefully rammed his dick into her. Micah tried her best to hop down, but Vic had a firm grip on her butt. He smashed his lips against hers and kissed her passionately. He then placed her back against the shower’s wall and worked himself in and out of her walls. The water head was splashing down on them while Vic continued to explore her insides.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck…what are you doing to me!” Micah screamed out. She hadn’t wanted to enjoy it, but with the way that Vic was moving, she thought how could she not?

“I’m writing my name on this pussy,” Vic said and pulled his dick out and with as much force as he could, plunged back into her.

“Aww, shit!” Micah’s legs trembled as she came all over him.

 Vic continued to stroke, he hadn’t gotten his nut yet, but it was just that close to coming. After a few more deep strokes, he came inside of Micah for the second time that night. And then as if he hadn’t just done the unthinkable, he slid Micah to her feet, grabbed her loofah and soap, and began to wash himself up. Micah stared up at him with wide eyes. In less than thirty minutes he had managed to fuck her senseless, cum inside of her without no remorse, and then use the same sponge that she used to clean herself. What was up with him? Micah thought. But knowing that she would not get any answers from Vic’s complicated ass, she decided not to speak on it.

The two continued to wash themselves up with thoughts swirling through each of their minds. Micah was still wondering if Vic was trying to get her pregnant, because why would he cum in her not just once but twice. And Vic was wondering what had come over him. He had never gone naked headed with any broad until now. He thought Micah was cool and all, but he didn’t know if he wanted to make her his baby mama if she were to become pregnant. It was just her shit was feeling so good that all sense of judgment had been lost. He hadn’t known why, but for the longest, he had wanted to feel her insides anyway without a condom. Vic had figured that if her pussy felt great with one on, then it would be like heaven without one, and surprisingly he was right.
“So, I guess you’re getting ready to head out,” Micah asked Vic as she pulled her gown over her head. They had just finished their shower together, and this was usually the time that Vic would either leave on his own or Micah would put him out.

 Without replying, Vic reached out and grabbed the gown from Micah. Just as she got it halfway pulled down, he lifted it back over her head, and Micah looked at him. “What are you doing?” she asked.

“Let’s sleep naked tonight. I might want to climb back inside later,” Vic suggested.

“Wait, what are you talking about Vic? You are getting ready to go, right?” Micah asked with half confusion half excitement.

“Nah, you ain’t kicking me out tonight. It’s late, and I don’t feel like driving all the way back home,” Vic said.

Micah slightly blushed. For some reason, she was happy that he wanted to spend the night with her. Even though it had always been a rule of hers never to allow a man to spend the night, she found herself wanting to break her cardinal rule for him. It was just something about him that Micah couldn’t resist. “I’ll let you spend the night, but you’re gonna have to sleep on the couch,” she said.

Vic stared at her. “Girl, my ass staying right here in the bed with you. Now come on, because I’m tired and I’m ready to lay down,” he said while grabbing Micah’s hand and leading her over to the bed. For the second time, Micah blushed. Vic was just too much for her.

“Okay, but no more sex. I don’t want you cumin inside of me again. Plus, I’m sore,” Micah said while they both climbed on top of the bed. She got in the front, and Vic snuggled behind her with his dick planted firmly on her butt. He kissed the back of her neck, and Micah closed her eyes from his kiss.

“I got you,” Vic said aloud, but in his head, he was thinking yeah right. If he rolled over and felt the urge to be back inside of her again, then that’s what he was going to do. He just didn’t feel like arguing with her, so he kept his thoughts to himself.

“Vic, why are you doing all of this?” Micah suddenly asked.

“What you talking about? Doing all of what?” he lifted his head and asked, but Micah didn’t immediately respond. She didn’t want him to know that he was breaking her down. Because the first time that she let him know how she was feeling, Vic would switch up on her. Micah just knew it. That’s how men were when they felt they had you where they wanted you. So, for now, she would just leave the subject alone. “Never mind,” she finally replied.

 Vic laughed to himself because he knew what she was talking about without her even saying it. The thing is, Vic didn’t know why he was all lovey-dovey with Micah, and he had to ask himself if he was crazy. The feeling wasn’t one that could be easily described, but it was one that had never been experienced before. Micah had him doing shit that he hadn’t done with any other female. It had never been him to be cuddled up after having sex. Nah, that’s wasn’t him at all. With most women, Vic would just get his nut and be gone before the broad had time to shower good. But with Micah, it was just something different about her. Maybe it was the fact that she wasn’t like most of the females that Vic messed around with. She didn’t break her neck to be around him, and often stressed that he could be in her life or not, either way, she was good. For men, the chase was always better than the catch, and that’s probably why he was digging Micah.

As much as he would have loved to stay up and try to figure out what it was that they were doing, Vic couldn’t. He was tired as hell from the nuts that he had busted earlier and needed to go to sleep. So, he closed his eyes and let his thoughts take him to la-la land.


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