Sneak Peek of upcoming book release (I Was Everything He Wanted)


                       Sneak Peek Alert!

Before you read the sneak peek, please be advised that there is sexual, explicit content that is not appropriate for children.

Three weeks later

“Oh my goodness, I cannot believe I sold my first house,” I said to Tippy. I looked at the big commission check that I had received from the sale for like the hundredth time. The amount was nineteen thousand, eight hundred and fifty-six dollars to be exact.

“I know how you feel girly. I was the same exact way as you when I got my first check. But I’m sure you’re even happier than I was because back then the amount wasn’t nearly as much,” she said, and I laughed.

“I can believe that, but at least you’re bringing in a lot more now since the housing market has changed significantly.”  Tippy nodded.

“So, what are you going to do to celebrate. Is Nahir taking you out tonight?” she asked.
“Yes, we have plans to double date with my brother -n- law and his girlfriend. I didn’t want to do anything too big since I have to be here so early,” I explained.

“Well, I can understand that, but try to enjoy yourself. You deserve it. I’m going to go ahead and get on out of here. I’m supposed to be having dinner with my son,” Tippy said grabbing her purse and tossing the strap over her shoulder.

“Alright, enjoy yourself as well, and I will see you in the morning,” I said.

Tippy waved goodbye and walked out of my office. After she’d made her exit, I stared down at my check again. I still couldn’t believe it, and it felt so surreal. The amount was good, but it wasn’t like I hadn’t seen that number before. Hell, I had well over that in my savings. It was just the fact that I couldn’t believe I had made my first sale. All the hard work and dedication I had put into perfecting my craft made me super proud of myself. Right before my very own eyes, my dreams were finally coming to life. Since we didn’t have any more showings for the evening, I decided to call it a night. I had to meet Nahir at the house so that we could ride together. Plus, I needed to shower and change into something more comfortable. I stood up to grab my things. When I had my purse in my hands, I snatched up my lunch box and walked out of my office. After locking the door, I stuck my keys into my purse and walked down to my father’s office so that I could let him know that I was leaving. As I approached, I saw that the door was closed. I got ready to knock when I heard what sounded like soft moans. No, couldn’t be, I thought as I placed my ear to the door.

“Yes, Arthur right there.” The sound of the moans had been evident that time. Oh hell no. I threw my purse on the floor and jerked the doorknob pushing it open. Surprisingly it wasn’t locked, but what I saw made me wish that it had been.

“What the fuck is going on in here?” I shouted.

“Paisley, wait it’s not what you think,” my father said as I stared at him pull away from Melvi. She hurried to pull down her dress while trying to avoid eye contact with me. The look that she wore on her face was of embarrassment, and her cheeks were now flushed. But I didn’t give a damn how she felt.

“It’s not what I think. Are you serious? It’s exactly what it looks like, and that’s you in here cheating on my mother with this slut,” I screamed at the top of my lungs. My father held his hand up to signal for me to calm down, but I had too much fury inside of me. I looked back at Melvi, and she stood with her hands in a praying position. “What the hell are you still doing here bitch,” I gritted.

Melvi jumped, but she still didn’t try to make her way out of my dad’s office. In fact, she backed up until she was behind him.

“Paisley, please calm down,” my father said while shielding Melvi. He now had his pants pulled back up, but his shirt was still unbuttoned. As I looked at them together, it made me even madder. Melvi was just standing there as if she didn’t know her place. Any sane person would have run the moment they were caught with someone’s husband, but not this bitch. No, she was bold.

“Don’t tell me to calm down. This bitch needs to get the hell out. She’s still just standing there as if she belongs here,” I yelled.

“Listen to me baby girl, don’t focus on her. Look at me. I’m who you should be concerned with,” my dad tried to say. Why did he say that? His words made my blood begin to boil and seeing Melvi hold on to him made me flip out. Kicking off my heels, I took off charging full speed until I made it to her. She tried to hide behind my dad, but it was nothing that was going to help her get out of this ass whooping that I had for her. “Wait, Paisley, calm down. Don’t do that,” my dad struggled to keep me from hitting her, but it was already too late. I had gripped Melvi by her long blonde hair, wrapped it around my fist and then with the other fist I pummeled it into her face.

“NO STOP! PLEASE, ARTHUR, GET HER OFF OF ME!” she screamed while trying to pry my hand from the tight hold that I had on her hair.

“Paisley Stephenson, you stop that right now,” my father said calling me by full name. However, his words fell on deaf ears as I continued to beat the shit out of Melvi’s ass.

“Oh my God, please stop. I’m sorry,” the bitch cried as I landed blow after blow to her white, pale face. Blood had started to squirt out of her nose, and her eyes were starting to swell, but I didn’t give a damn.

“Do you hear me talking to you dammit,” my dad bellowed and gripped me by the back of my collar. With one of his strong hands, he lifted me from my feet. My legs were now dangling in the air as he handled me like I was a rag doll. But I still held my grip on Melvi.

“Put me down now daddy,” I kicked and screamed.

“Not until you release the hold you have on her hair. Do it now,” he demanded.

Realizing that I wouldn’t be able to give her the ass whooping that I wanted to with my dad present, I finally let go of Melvi’s hair. This time she took heed to my warning as she scurried from the office whimpering like a hit puppy. My dad gently placed me down on my feet. He was breathing heavily while shaking his head.


“What the hell is wrong with you little girl,” my dad said after I landed a slap to his face that was so hard it made my hand burn.

“You know exactly what’s wrong. How could you do that to momma? How could you do that to me?” I said through clenched teeth. Normally, I would have never done anything like that, but I was so hurt and upset that my emotions just made me react without thinking. I just knew that my dad was about to strike me back, but he must have realized how mad I was. Because almost immediately, he dropped the frown that he had on his face and replaced it with a look of defeat.

“I’m sorry baby. I never meant to hurt you or your mother this way,” he mumbled.

“Wow, you never intended to hurt us but yet you didn’t even have enough respect to not screw her in the same office that your daughter works at,” I said.

“I thought you were gone,” he said as if that justified his actions.

“You know what, I always had a feeling that you were cheating. All those long meetings, out of town visits, and coming home late were all tell-tale signs. But it was like I couldn’t make myself come to terms with it. I would always say to myself, not my hero. He wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize our family. Never in a million years would I have thought that I’d catch you in the actual act,” I said. Tears fell from my eyes as I stared at the man whom I once adored.

“I know that nothing I say will make you feel any-.”

“Save it. You are fucking pathetic,” I said.

My father put his head down and stared at the floor. He knew that he had messed up big time. There was no way that I would not tell my mom about this. And what was worst was that I didn’t think he cared about that. I believe he was only worried about the fact that I had caught him. I stood staring at him for a minute longer and then I turned to walk away. But before I could reach the threshold, I turned back to him one last time, “You are dead to me,” I said and left out.


 Knock. Knock. Knock.

I pounded on the door at my parent’s home waiting for my mom to answer. I knew that she was home because her car was parked out in their circular drive. As I waited, I paced back and forth trying to wrap my head around the situation. If I were a cigarette smoker, then I probably would have chained smoked a few by then, that’s how bad my nerves were. Suddenly, the locks could be heard turning on the inside and when the door opened my mom stood in a flowy dress with her makeup and hair freshly done. She looked beautiful and appeared happy. Now I hated that I was about to ruin her day.

“What’s the matter Paisley?” she asked as she noticed my disheveled clothes and the look on my face.

“I need to speak with you,” I said.

“Well, come on in,” she told me and stepped back to allow me to enter. Once I got inside, I just stood in the foyer with my hands trembling

“What’s the matter, baby? Did something bad happen?” she asked.

“Oh, momma. I’m so sorrrrrrry,” I said unable to hold back my tears.

“Paisley, you’re scaring me. I need you to calm down and tell me what is going on,” she said soothingly while stroking my back. I sniffled a bit and then wiped my tears.

“I think we should sit down,” I said. My mother gave me a nervous look, but then turned and walked towards the kitchen.

My parents had a huge home that my dad had built about ten years back. The house was a modern style, with eight bedrooms, six baths, two kitchens, a game room, theater, a library, huge backyard, with an indoor and outdoor pool. They also had a pool house in the back for when they held large parties and some of the guest couldn’t make it home. I often wondered why they would need a house so big when it was just the two of them. But my dad said it was what my mom had wanted, and he always gave her what she wanted. See my mom couldn’t have any more children after she gave birth to me. They had tried on several occasions, but each pregnancy that she had before and after me resulted in a miscarriage. The doctors had said that her uterus was too weak to carry another child to full term. That’s why for the longest when I was growing up, I was called the miracle baby. My mom would whisper that to me as she braided my hair in plaits. It was also another reason I had been so spoiled growing up and why she and I had such a great relationship. Once we made it into the kitchen, my mother walked over and grabbed a mug. She went into the cabinets and prepared to make her special tea that she usually made whenever I was upset. The tea always helped to calm me down. I watched as she moved about the kitchen taking out the ingredients. It was like she knew I was about to drop a bomb on her, but still, she remained steadfast. After fixing us both a cup of the tea, she took a seat across from me at the counter.

“Sip up,” she said. Doing just as I was advised, I took a sip of my tea and swiped away the last of my tears. “Now, tell me what's going on.”

Just, as usual, the tea calmed me down a bit, but not enough to keep me from being angry. “Momma, again I am sorry for the news I am about to tell you. There really isn’t an easy way for me to say this,” I said.

“Paisley, whatever it is I’m sure I’ll live. Unless you’re going to tell me that someone has died then I’ll be okay,” she assured, but I disagreed. She had no idea the type of news that I was about to spill.

“Well um, I um,” I said stammering. I was so nervous because no matter how many times a person might say they want to know about their significant other cheating, it’s still hard to be the one to deliver that news.

“Just spit out honey,” she said, and I swallowed hard. I glanced down at my hands and noticed they were sweating. When I looked back up, my mom was staring at me.

“Okay, here it is. Momma, I caught daddy cheating on you today,” I blurted out.

For a second she remained quiet while she sipped her tea. When she sat the mug back down, she folded her hands on the counter. “Alright with whom,” she said in a surprisingly calm tone.

“It was with his secretary, Melvi. I walked into his office, and they were um you know,” I whispered.

“Hmm, you don’t say. Well, I’m sorry you had to witness that,” she said and shook her head.

I gave her a questioning look because she didn’t seem surprised, nor was her reaction that of someone who had just received that type of news. To be honest, it didn’t even seem like she batted an eyelash. She was just a little too calm for my liking.

“Did you hear me?” I asked.

“Yes, I heard you.” She replied and then picked up her tea again.

“So, why aren’t you upset?” I needed to understand what was going through her head. Was she in a state of shock? Was she hurt? Could it have been that she was about to flip out? I had heard of people that received news of this magnitude snapping out and killing someone. They usually appeared calm, but then within a short time frame everything just seemed to spiral out of control, and they would go on a violent rant. Like was what happening? After sitting for a few minutes in silence, she finally looked up at me.

“Let me tell you something, Paisley. Rarely in my life am I surprised by anything. A long time ago I stopped trying to live out a fantasy that I knew would never come true. I had this feeling that your father was up to something. So, I’m really not shocked by this news. Growing up, I witnessed my own father have many affairs on my mother. Hell, a few of them even resulted in outside children. When I went to my mom, just as you came to me and told her about it, she had the same reaction. She also told me just what I’m about to say to you; it happens, and it’s nothing you can do about it. You just have to accept that they love you and know that those other women don’t mean a thing to them. Especially, if you have a good man that takes care of home and provides for you, it’s best just to look the other way,” she said, and I frowned.

“What? How could you just look the other way? I mean no offense to you and grandma, but what type of advice is that to give? So you just tolerate a man cheating, because he provides for you?” I asked.

“Well, not exactly. It’s a little more complexed than that. What I’m saying is prepare for those times and know that it’s almost inevitable with any relationship. Whether the man is the provider or not it’s going to happen. It’s just in their DNA to be cheaters. Sure, we as women don’t like it, but when you love a man, and you guys have built a life together, it’s not that easy to walk away.  And when you have a good one, you should know that holding on is for the best because you could end up with a lot worse,” she said.

“Okay, you’re speaking in riddles, and I don’t understand any of this. There is no way that I will stick with a man that cheats on me. Nope, it’s not happening. That’s why I’m making my own way so that I don’t have to depend on anyone but myself,” I said. It was unbelievable to hear my mom speak that way. It almost made her seem as if she were insecure and didn’t think she deserved better. The situation was sickening. She was so beautiful and didn’t have to put up with that. My mom was part Haitian descent and part African American. Her father was Haitian, and of course, my grandmother was African American. My mom had a smooth, milk chocolate complexion, with grayish color eyes, long flowy hair that she kept fixed in big bouncy curls, and a tight firm body.  She was on the taller side, standing at 5’8. She was 43 but had such a youthful appearance that people often said that she looked like she was in her thirties. Not only that, but she was smart as hell. She held many degrees that she could put to use at any time. She’d helped my father start his businesses; therefore, she could do the same for herself. So, you see, she could probably have any man that she wanted.

“Alright,” she laughed while breaking my thoughts.

“What’s so funny?” I asked.

“I said the same thing to my mom that you just said.”

“Are you trying to say that Nahir will cheat on me? And that I’ll probably be telling my kids the same thing?” I asked.

“No, I’m not saying that at all. I don’t know what will happen. But honey all I can tell you is hope for the best and prepare for the worst,” she said.

Just then, the sounds of the front door being opened interrupted our conversation. I knew that it was my father and I didn’t want to stick around to see his pathetic face. Furthermore, my mom’s little speech had left a sour taste in my mouth. What kind of mother gives their daughter advice like that? The whole conversation had just made me see her in a different light. I didn’t believe that Nahir would cheat on me, but if he did, there was no way that I would stick around with him. It just wasn’t happening.

“I’ll see you later. Sorry that I even bothered you with this,” I said grabbing my purse and heading for the backdoor.

“Thank you, Paisley. I do appreciate you looking out for me, but I’m going to be fine,” my mother yelled at me, and I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah, whatever,” I mumbled and walked outside. I was now so exhausted that I no longer wanted to celebrate. All I wanted to do was go home, take a shower, and forget the entire day ever happened.




“Wassup bae, you ready for tonight?” my husband Nahir said as I walked into our bedroom. He was sitting on our big California King sized bed smoking a blunt while looking through his phone. I sat on his lap and Nahir wrapped his arms around my waist. He smelled so good, and I couldn’t wait until later so that we could do what we did best.

“Yes, I’m ready. But what I’m really ready for is later tonight,” I said in a seductive voice while staring into his eyes. Nahir nodded his head slowly while giving me that sexy grin that I loved so much. He was incredibly handsome, standing at 6’4, light brown eyes, and a caramel skin color. He wore his hair in a tapered fade that he kept cut on the regular. And due to the many years of him working out religiously, my baby’s body was like a statue. It was robust, and I loved every inch of him. Nahir and I had met one day when I was out running some errands. He had stopped me while I was headed in the bank and he was coming out. From there, we exchanged numbers, and we talked on the phone every day. During our discussions, I got to learn a lot about him and told him about myself. We went on our first date about a week after we met and we’d pretty much been inseparable ever since then. He’d asked me to marry him on our second-year anniversary of dating. Of course, I’d told him, yes, and now here we were still happily in love. Our life together has been so good that sometimes I wonder if I’m stuck inside a dream.

I ran my hand down Nahir’s chest, as he continued to look at me. “Not right now girl. We got guests about to arrive,” He said, and I gave him a playful pout.

“C’mon baby, just let me please you,” I said. At those words, I felt his penis jump underneath me. I knew if I kept pushing he’d eventually give in. It was like Nahir, and I could never resist one another. We barely went a few days without having sex. Call me sprung or whatever, but I just couldn’t get enough of this man.

“Aye, you not making this easy for me.” Nahir kissed me on the neck, and I almost melted. If I wasn’t horny before, I sure as hell was horny now. Just the feeling of his thick, sexy lips on my body made me almost cream my panties.

I took the blunt from his hands and put it to my mouth. I inhaled and then let the smoke blow out my nose. After giving him back the blunt, I rolled my hips around, and Nahir bit down onto his bottom lip. “Aye, I’m serious girl. I promise I’mma handle that later. You making my shit hard and I need to run off and grab a few more things for this party. So, yo ass gon’ have to wait,” He said, and I sighed. “Don’t be that way.” He kissed my neck one last time before telling me to hop up.

As I stood up, I glanced at him over my shoulder. “You better,” I said to him, and Nahir chuckled.

“You know I got you,” he winked. He then walked over to the dresser and began to put his jewelry on.

I walked over beside him and gave myself a once-over in the mirror. We were getting ready to have a party to celebrate me getting my realtor’s license. Growing up, I’d always been interested in the housing market. My father was into real estate. In fact, he owned two realtor companies. So, it was only more than right to follow in his footsteps since I was a daddy’s girl. Unfortunately, my parents had suggested that I go to college and find another career path. When the economy was bad, they had experienced the downfall and didn’t want me to endure it as well. Therefore, they figured it would be best for me to have something more stable to fall back on. Seeing as though, I valued their opinions, I did as they told me. I went to school for four long years, got my Bachelor's in finance. I found a job at an insurance company doing underwriting, worked there for about two and a half years and decided that it was not for me. It wasn’t my passion, and I just couldn’t see myself doing something for the rest of my life that I didn’t enjoy. So, at that point, I decided to return to school to obtain my realtor’s license. When I went to my parents and told them my plans, they were a little disappointed, but they didn’t try to discourage me. They were just happy that I at least had my degree in financing to back me up in case real estate didn’t work out for me. I had just recently gotten my license a few weeks back, and my father told me that I could work at one of his companies. I accepted, and Nahir thought it would be good to throw a party in honor of my success.

Ding dong! The doorbell rang bringing me out of my thoughts. I figured it must have been some of the people arriving for the party.

“You want me to get that,” Nahir asked as he clasped on his watch.

“I got it, baby. You finish getting yourself together,” I said slapping his butt.

“Aye, chill out girl,” He said, and I laughed.  Nahir hated when I did that. I made my way out of our bedroom and headed to the door. When I looked out of the peephole, I saw that it was my mom standing there.

“Hey ma,” I said opening the door.

“Congratulations again baby,” she said handing me two big balloons, and a card. I took the items from her hand and gave her a hug.

“Thanks, ma! I really appreciate it. But where’s daddy?” I asked while sticking my head out of the door. I didn’t see him in the car and wondered where he was. My mom dropped her smile, and I had a bad feeling what was next to come.

“I’m sorry, he couldn’t make it, but he told me to inform you that he was proud of you.” She said making excuses for him like always.

“Are you serious? What held him up this time?” I asked, and closed the door as my mom made her way into the house. At that moment, Nahir came from the back, and when he saw my mom, he walked over and hugged her.

“How are you Nahir?” she asked.

“I’m good. How are you doing?” Nahir asked.

“I’m doing just fine,” my mom’s mouth said, but her eyes told a different story. It appeared as if something was bothering her.

“Are you okay ma?”

“Yes, I'm all right,” she plastered on a smile.

“Oh, okay. So, why is it that daddy couldn’t make it?” I asked once again.

“He had a meeting with someone that he couldn’t get out of. He actually tried Paisley, but he just couldn’t make it,” she said, and I sighed. What was new? I thought. My dad’s absence did not surprise me. Ever since I was a little girl, my dad hadn’t supported anything that I had done. He thought him buying me things was a good substitution for spending time together. Well, it wasn’t. In my mind, it was only a cop out for him. And it didn’t help that my mom always made excuses when it came to my father. I wanted to ask more questions but decided that it wasn’t the time to get into any of that.

“Paisley, I’m getting ready to head out. I should be back in a minute,” Nahir announced.

“Okay, baby. Hurry back,” I told him, and he nodded. He kissed my cheek and headed for the door. As he was leaving out, my cousins Marcia and Harmony were coming in.

“Hey Nahir,” they both said. Nahir just simply threw them a head nod. I did my best to stifle my laugh. It was no secret that my husband couldn’t stand my cousins.

“Paisley, girl you did it. We are so proud of you,” Harmony and Marcia said as they both walked up and hugged me.

Harmony and Marcia were my cousins on my dad’s side. Both of their moms were my father’s sisters. We were so close that we were more like sisters rather than cousins. We did almost everything together, and I loved both of them to death.

“Thanks, ya’ll. I’m glad that you could make it,” I said.

“How are you guys doing,” my mom asked them.

“I’m good,” Harmony replied.

“I’m fine. How are you, Auntie?” Marcia said.

“Doing just fine,” My mom said with that same fake smile as earlier. “Look, Paisley, I’m going to be back a little later. I need to go to the office right quick and get something I was supposed to have gotten for your father earlier, but it slipped my mind,” she said.

“Aww, you’re leaving already?” I asked.

“I shouldn’t be gone for too long.  But in case I don’t make it back, then you and I will get together later in the week to have lunch, alright,” my mom said.

“Okay, but try to make it back,” I told her, and she nodded. I then gave my mom a hug, and as I did, I could feel the tenseness in her body. Something was definitely off, and I was going to get to the bottom of it.

After she had left, I turned to Marcia and Harmony. “Well, y’all ready to turn up?” I asked, and they both nodded. “Good, let’s get this party started,” I said.


A couple hours later

The music was playing loudly, while everybody stood around either eating, dancing, or mingling with one another. The gathering had turned out to be a good one. More people had actually shown up than I had expected. I had just fixed myself a cup of pineapple juice, coconut rum, and sprite. I was sipping on it while slow dancing to the music. Although I was enjoying myself I couldn’t lie, I was ready for the party to end. I had been up most of the day, and all I wanted to do now, was to shower and get into the bed with my man. But judging from the looks of people, I didn’t see any signs of the party ending anytime soon. I took another sip of my drink and headed towards the living room. When I made it inside,  I noticed Nahir’s younger brother Marcus walking in my direction with some girl on his arm.

“Hey sis, sorry I’m late, but I got held up,” Marcus said to me but was eyeing the tall, curvaceous girl who stood close by his side. He wasn’t really paying me any attention because he was gawking at her so hard.

“I bet you are sorry,” I said sarcastically. I loved my brother-n-law, but Marcus could be a little irresponsible at times. He was twenty-two, owned his own barbershop, had no kids, but plenty of women. Since Marcus was the younger brother, Nahir had always looked out for him. He called it helping, but I say that he sometimes crippled him. Marcus was supposed to have been here earlier to help Nahir set everything up for my party.  But as usual, he hadn’t shown up until it was too late.

“Don’t do me like that sis,” He grinned while removing something from his top pocket. “I got something that will put a smile on your face.” Marcus handed me a card, and I snatched it from his hand. I was almost certain it was money because that’s what everyone had been giving me.

“Thank you, but that still doesn't let you off the hook,” I said with a smirk. I was only teasing Marcus. We always joked around like that, and I wasn’t nearly as mad as I figured Nahir would be. I turned my attention to the girl that was with him. As I took in her appearance, I realized how gorgeous she was. Her cheek bones were high, and it sort of gave her an exotic look. Then there was her brownish gray color eyes and deep dimples that just popped out at you. She had this cinnamon skin complexion, and it made me wonder if she was mixed with something. I also took note of her voluptuous frame in the fitted black dress that she was wearing. She had a huge ass and some big melon breast. Yeah, she definitely looked like one of those island girls. I had never seen her with Marcus before, so she had to be one of his latest conquests.

“Hello, I’m Averi. How are you?” she said extending her hand for me to shake it when she noticed me looking.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Paisley, Marcus’ sister- in - law.” I said.

“Well, it’s really nice to meet you, Paisley. Marcus talks so much about you and his brother. It’s nice to finally put a face with a name,” she said, and I smirked.

 It was funny how she knew about us, but we hadn’t heard a damn thing about her. But that wasn’t anything new. Marcus was always bringing these different girls around, and he never stuck with any of them for more than a month’s time, If that.

“Yes, it’s nice to meet you too,” I gave a fake smile. Just then Nahir walked into the room, and when he spotted us, he walked straight over in our direction.

“Aye, why you just now making it here. You knew about this party for over a month now, and your ass promised me that you were going to help me out,” Nahir fussed. Marcus sighed and looked at the Averi chick. His face showed embarrassment, and I felt sorry for him.

“Bro, this is Averi. The one that I was telling you about. Averi this is my brother Nahir,” Marcus introduced them. “But yeah, I apologize about earlier. I got caught up.” Marcus gave him the same excuse as he gave me.

“Hey wassup,” Nahir threw Averi a head nod.

“Nice to meet you,” Averi said. Nahir ignored her as he focused back on Marcus.

 “But anyway, what was so important that you couldn’t be here? I mean damn, I called yo ass several times, and you couldn’t even pick up your phone to tell me something,” Nahir continued to go off.

“Baby it’s okay, Marcus already explained to me, and all is forgiven. He’s here now, and that’s what matters most,” I said pulling Nahir close to my side. Marcus shot him a mean glare and walked off with his date. They headed towards the kitchen, and I stared up at Nahir.

 “What?” he asked.

“Bae, that was uncalled for. Marcus is a grown man, and you need to start treating him like that.”

“Yeah, I’ll start treating his ass like an adult when he starts acting like one,” He said.

“We talked about this remember, and you told me that you were going to do better,” I said. I wrapped my arms around Nahir waist and gazed into his eyes.

“I know, but why can’t he ever be there when we need him to. I’m always there for that nigga when he needs me, but when it’s his turn to return the favor, he’s nowhere to be found.” Nahir went on and on. For a second, I briefly closed my eyes. This was a never-ending story with them, and I was tired of being put in the middle of their spats. Although Marcus was a bit childish, I genuinely cared for him. I loved him as if he were my real brother, and I sometimes felt bad for the way that Nahir always came down on him.

“Alright, you made your point, and I understand. But let’s just drop it for now baby. Maybe you can talk to him one on one when he is not in front of anybody,” I said with a sexy pout.

“Don’t give me that shit,” Nahir laughed, and I sexily ran my tongue along my top lip. “Damn, aight, for you.” He finally gave in.

“Thank you! Now, let’s enjoy this party that you put together for me. I’m already tipsy, but I’m trying to get drunk so you can take advantage of me later tonight.” I winked.

“Is that right.” Nahir was saying but was cut off.

“Girl, this party is lit,” my cousin Harmony said walking past us. She had a cup of something in her hand, and she had some guy tailing behind her. I stared at them as they made their way out of the room. Harmony was the youngest out of Marcia and me.  Marcia was twenty-two, and Harmony had just turned twenty-one. Harmony was short, with a slim frame, fawn complexion, slanted eyes, long dramatic weave, and nails. She didn’t have a job, lived off public assistance, and stated that she wasn’t going to do anything different until she was forced to. I loved my cousin, but she sometimes carried herself like a hoe. She had two kids with two different guys, and neither was in the picture. She had sex with just about every guy that she talked to no matter who they were. I turned to Nahir and looked at him.

“She better not be planning to fuck in my house. I know that much,” I said.

“Aye, don’t worry about them,” Nahir said giving me that look. I was surprised that he wasn’t concerned about Harmony possibly having sex in our house. Cause like I’d mentioned earlier, he couldn’t stand her. He thought that she was a bad influence on me. But that couldn’t have been the furthest from the truth. I had my own mind and didn’t do anything that I didn’t want to do.

  Nahir gripped me by my waist pulling me from my thought. He pulled me close to him. When he bent down to place a kiss on my lips, my vagina pulsated a little. I was so in love with this man that it was sometimes scary. Not many women could say that they had a man that didn’t come with baby mama drama, loved being a family man, and treated their wife like a queen. Nope, I was one of the rare cases, and it felt damn good to brag about that. Nahir palmed my butt this time. I stared up at him with a sly grin on my face.

“What are you doing?” I asked.
 “You remember earlier when I said that I would take care of you later?” He asked, and I nodded. “Well, it’s later.” he smiled.  I glanced around the room. Everybody seemed to be in their own world, so I figured they wouldn’t miss us if we stepped away for a little while.

“So wassup. You gone let me show you or what?” He smiled showing his pearly white teeth. His skin glowed underneath the light of our glass chandelier, and I found myself getting lost in his hazel eyes.

“Come on boy with your freaky ass,” I finally said and pulled him behind me.

Once we made it to our bedroom, Nahir wasted no time. He tossed me onto the bed, pulled my dress up and within a few seconds, his head was buried between my legs.

“Oh, my God, baby. Work that tongue,” I moaned out. I tried to my best to be quiet so that no one would hear us. But as he latched onto my pearl, and stuck his finger into my hole I couldn’t help myself. “Yessssssss,” I hissed. Nahir’s head game was lethal, and I was addicted to it. Hands down, he was the best that I’d ever had.

When he pushed my legs towards my ear and circled his tongue around, I lost it. “Oh, my goodness, I’m about to cummmmmm!”

“Shh, baby you got to be quiet before somebody hears us,” Nahir said lifting his head from between my legs. My juices were glistening all over his face, and I just wanted to lick them off. Yeah, I know we were freaky like that.

  “Sorry,” I giggled.

 Nahir resumed eating me up like I was a steak on a platter. It was feeling so good, that I grabbed my breasts and squeezed my eyes shut. As I circled my hips around, he gripped my butt cheeks and pulled me closer to his face. For the second time in five minutes, I was cummin. “Yes, Yessss!” My legs shook violently, and I had to push his head away because I was starting to get that tingling sensation that you got when a man put in that work, and you could no longer take it.

 “Why you do that?” he asked.

  “Because I can’t take it anymore,” I panted, and Nahir chuckled. He climbed to his feet and went into the bathroom. When he returned, he had a warm soapy towel, and he ran it across my thumping hot box. I stiffened a little because it was still sensitive down there.

 “How was that?” he asked while I stood to fix myself up.

 “Good as always,” I smiled and kissed his lips. He inserted his tongue into my mouth, and we began to French kiss. “Mmm,” I moaned pulling away. We had to get back to our guests before someone came looking for us. So, we quickly finished getting ourselves together, and then we returned to my party.



I was getting sick and tired of Nahir, and the way he tried to control my fuckin life. Yeah, so I didn’t help him out but did he have to call me out about it in front of my new lady. I mean damn, he tried to check me like I was his kid or some shit. That was one of the issues we always had. There were a few other things that made me sometimes dislike my brother. Take, for instance, growing up; I always felt that people loved him more. It was like in everybody’s eyes, Nahir could do no wrong. When it came to holidays, he always got the better gifts. In school, he was smarter, more articulate. Even in sports, he was the better athlete. People would often take him places and leave me behind because they said I was the bad seed and they didn’t want to deal with me. In addition to all that, our mom treated Nahir like he was her prized child. She was the main one always hollering about how Nahir was her special son and that I should try to be more like him. I’d heard that since I was little. And because of the difference that she made with us, it caused me to have resentment for my own brother. And then for Nahir to always act like he was better than me, it didn’t make it any better. The only person who actually ever had my back was my pops. But he’d been killed in a car accident when Nahir and I were younger.

 “Baby are you okay?” Averi asked as I lifted the cup of liquor to my lips and tossed it back. It burned a little as it slid down my throat, but I shook that shit off. I was on my fourth cup of Patron, and I didn’t see myself slowing down anytime soon.

 “I’m good, and I don’t need you all in my face. Damn!” I snapped.

 Averi looked at me with a shocked look on her face. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you,” she whispered while looking around the kitchen. There were a few other people in the kitchen, and I’m sure she was embarrassed.

Damn, I hadn’t meant to take the shit out on her. It was just that I had been dealing with so much shit lately, and Nahir being down my back just pissed me off more.

 “I’m sorry baby. I didn’t mean to snap at you like that. I’m good though, and you don’t have to worry.” I said rubbing her cheek. Averi gave a small smile.  

“It’s okay,” she said.

Averi was a lot different than most women that I dated. She was laid back and had a cool personality. The girls that I usually went for were the wild, party type. The ones that were straight up and told you what they wanted from the beginning. But that wasn’t Averi at all. She was reserved and carried herself like a real lady. I’d met her at the store a few months back, and we had been casually dating. It wasn’t until about a month ago that we’d decided to make it official and that’s when I figured it was time for her to meet my family. But now, I hated that I’d even brought her around.

“So, are you enjoying yourself,” Averi asked as I took another sip of my drink. She looked as if she wanted to say something, but probably figured it was best just to let me have this.

“It’s cool,” I said right before lifting the cup again. When I looked up, I noticed Nahir coming into the kitchen. “This nigga,” I mumbled.

 “My bad bro about earlier. I didn’t mean to chump you like that. We good?” Nahir said as he made his way over to me. He held his hand out for me to dap him up. I stared at it for a minute. “Damn, you gon’ leave me hanging like that?” he asked, and I cracked a half-smile.

  “We straight nigga,” I finally responded.

He pulled me into a tight brotherly hug and rubbed his fist across my head like he used to do when we were younger. Nahir was taller than me about five inches. I was only 5’11. I got my height from our mom's side, whereas his height came from our pops’ side of the family.

  “Aight, since we good. Why don’t y’all come out of this kitchen and join the rest of the party then. Mama just made it here, and she was asking about you anyway,” he said.

 “Oh, for real! Well, let’s go, Averi. Let me introduce you to my momma,” I said while glancing her way, but she didn’t reply. “Aye, do you hear me talking to you?” I said, and she finally snapped out of whatever trance she was in.

 “Sorry, I was just thinking about something,” she said.

“Yeah, aight. Let’s go in here, and chill with the family,” I said and pulled her by the arm. I walked briskly out of the kitchen.

 “Why are you pulling on me like that?” she asked tugging at her dress, and pulling it down.

“Just shut the fuck up, and have a seat,” I whispered in her ear once we got into the living room. I pushed her towards an open chair, and she fell on it. She looked at me with a confused look on her face, but to prevent from making a scene, Averi didn’t say anything. She just crossed her legs. I glared at her until I heard my mom speaking.

“There you are,” my mom said, and I turned to her with a smile on my face. My momma was a beautiful lady. She was short, petite, had a youthful face and her hair was cut in one of those younger girl’s styles. Although we didn’t have the best relationship, I still loved her little ass. I mean she had given birth to me, so how could I not?

“I was just in the kitchen fixing my girlfriend and me a drink,” I said pointing to Averi.

“Hmm. Well, I was just asking Nahir where you were, because I needed you to go grab those items out of my trunk for me,” she said while finally looking at Averi then back to me. “Your girlfriend huh? It’ll be over before next week,” she mumbled and rolled her eyes.

 My smile faded. This was the shit that I was just talking about. Here I thought that my mom really wanted to see me, but all she wanted was to insult me and have me doing the shit she didn’t want to bother Nahir with.

“Why didn’t you ask Nahir? He ain’t doing shit. This his wife’s party anyway,” I barked. I was getting tired of her treating me like a fuckin stepchild. Her ass never had anything nice to say to me.

 “Aye nigga chill out,” I heard Nahir say behind me. Suddenly the room grew quiet, and everybody was staring at us.  “Don’t disrespect our mama like that. If she asked you to do something, then that’s what you need to do. And don’t worry about what I’m doing. Hell, it’s not like she can really depend on you anyway.” He said. I glanced around at all the faces as they stared on. The shit was embarrassing as hell, and I had to hurry and get the fuck out of there before I went off on my own momma and brother.

“Don’t worry about it Nahir. He is just drunk. A disgrace as usual,” My mom said flapping her arms and frowning her face in disgust.  

“All right y’all that’s enough. Hey Marcus, why don’t you and Averi step out back with me?” Paisley said approaching me. She was always the peacemaker whenever things got out of hand between Nahir and me. I looked down at her as she gave me a sympathetic look. “Please.” She pleaded.

“Nah, I’m good sis. I’mma just go because apparently I ain’t wanted here,” I said and walked over to Averi. I pulled her up, and we headed straight for the door without saying goodbye to anybody. Fuck them all; I thought as I tossed Averi the keys to my Rover and hopped in on the passenger side. When she pulled off, I told her to go to my crib. I needed to release some stress, and her ass was just the person for me to release it on.


“Marcus baby, calm down,” I said as he slammed himself into me roughly from the back.

“Fuck that, you gon’ take this dick,” he said gripping the back of my neck and pushing my face into the seat cushion of the sofa.

As soon as we had made it to his house, Marcus had pulled my dress off and tossed me across the arm of his couch. He lifted my skirt, pulled my panties down and plunged himself into me. He hadn’t even put on a condom. “Baby, we got all night,” I said, but he ignored my words as he wound himself in and out of me.

He then reached his hand around the front of me, and gently caressed my pearl. He had a tight grip on me, as he slid in and out of my soaking wet walls. Surprisingly, I was starting to get turned on, and it was starting to feel good once I got used to his roughness. Marcus’ penis was short, but it was fat. He could also work it. I guess the saying was right when they said it’s not the size of the boat, but the motion of the ocean. Because right now, his little stubby dick was hitting my walls at just the right angle.

“Sssss,” I hissed as I felt myself become wetter and my orgasm began to build. My juices were sliding down the inside of my thighs, and my legs were starting to shake. “I’m about to cuuummm, baby,” I screamed out.

Marcus lifted my leg and continued to ram himself into me. He removed his hand and then gripped my breasts. “Fuck this pussy is good,” he said, and I could feel his hot liquored breath on the back of my neck as he grunted.

“Shitttt baby,” I screeched as I released an orgasm that caused my knees to buckle.

“I ain’t done with you yet. This pussy is soaking wet, and I ain’t ready to come up out of it,” he said spinning me around and lifting me from my feet. He slid me down onto his dick and made me wrap my legs around his waist. When he started to bounce me up and down, I felt my juices start to pour out of me. I had never been fucked like this before. Although Marcus was average height for a guy, he was strong and used his strength to his advantage.

“Marcus baby, this feels so good,” I cooed with my eyes closed. I was bucking back against him as he continued to hold my body in the air. My butt cheeks jiggled with each pump, and my body was drenched with sweat. I lifted my head up and started to kiss him. We twirled our tongues around each other mouths, and then he pulled back.

“I’m about to nut,” he said and immediately placed me on my feet. He pushed me down by my shoulder to my knees. “Open your mouth,” he demanded. I opened my mouth, and he started to ejaculate on my tongue. I obliged because it wasn’t like I had never done it before. So, when he had released all his seeds into my mouth, I happily swallowed them down.

“Yeah, I see you a nasty bitch. I thought you were different, but you were just holding back on me,” he said. I was still staring up at him, and his comment instantly made me frown.  I went to open my mouth to tell him just how much his statement had offended me, and he gripped my face tightly in his hand.

“Let go of me. You’re hurting me,” I said while trying to pry his grip from my face.

“If you ever look at another nigga the way that you looked at my brother tonight, I will crack your fuckin skull open,” he seethed and walked off in the direction of his bathroom. I stayed on the floor just staring into space. I hadn’t known Marcus for that long, and he was already acting crazy. And if he thought he could intimidate me, then he was sadly mistaken. He didn’t know that I wasn’t the woman to be controlled. Never had and never would be.


Later that night

I had just made it home from Marcus’s house. After he had returned from the bathroom and I had dressed, I’d made up an excuse to get away from him. I didn’t like the way that he had handled me or the threat he had made. So, since I wasn’t feeling him, I felt that there wasn’t a need for me to be around him. Of course, he had apologized, but I wasn’t trying to hear anything that he had to say. It was evident that he had problems. I could tell that from being around his brother and mother in just that short amount of time. And since I had my own issues, I definitely didn’t want to take on his. I walked into my bedroom and sat down on the bed. I looked around the tiny, cramped room and cringed. I hated my living conditions. My dad’s house was small, old, and needed to be updated. The walls were peeling, the floors creaked when you walked, and it smelled of old packed away clothes. My life back in Indiana wasn’t necessarily a glamorous one, but it was way better than this shit that I was now forced to live in. But, it was what I had to deal with. So, instead of complaining, I figured I might as well just accept it. Hopefully, I could save enough money to get my old place soon.

As I stood to take a shower, I heard my father calling out my name.  “Averi. Averi, I need you,” he said. I sighed and headed towards his bedroom. When I stepped inside, I noticed that he was coughing uncontrollably. I rolled my eyes as I made my way over to him. My dad had severe health issues. He was a diabetic that was on dialysis, had a bad hip, cataracts, liver disease and the list could go on. What the hell was my whore of a mother thinking to sleep with his old ass?

“What is it?” I asked. Disgust was evident in my tone.

“Could you give me some water?” he asked, and I stared at him. “Please?” he begged.

“Alright,” I finally replied. I turned and made my way into the kitchen. When I got there, I opened the old refrigerator and grabbed a bottled water out. I walked over to the cabinet and took out a glass. After I had the items, I went back to my dad’s room. I cracked the top on the water, poured some into the glass and then handed it to him. He took two huge gulps and then sat the glass on his table.

“Thank you, sweetie!” he said.

“It’s that all. I need to shower and go to bed. I need to get up early to look for me a job,” I told my dad.

“Um, I think that’s it. But listen, how’s everything going here for you?” He asked.

“I hate it,” was my reply.

“Why? I thought you were enjoying yourself. You have a new boyfriend, and he’s been taking you out, right?”

“Look, why are you asking me all these questions? Don’t you think it’s a little too late for us to try and form a bond,” I said, and he sighed.

My father and I had only just connected when I was in my teens. The reason why was because my mom didn’t know who my dad was for the longest. She was a cracked out, prostitute that slept with anybody. She’d died a little after I found out about him from a heroin overdose. Before she passed away, my momma had a total of five court ordered paternity tests to determine who my real father was. Really, the only reason that she had the tests was for the simple fact that she was getting benefits from the state, and they had said that a father needed to be named for her to keep receiving them.

So, with the little knowledge that her drug-infested brain could muster, she named five different men. And five different times, I was hauled down to some facility and forced to open my mouth while someone stuck a Q-tip in and swabbed my jaws for DNA. It had been so embarrassing each time the results came back that one of them didn’t father me. When they finally got to my dad, and I noticed the resemblance, I prayed that the results would come out favorable. Not because I cared if he was or not, but because I was tired of going through the shit. A week or so later, the results came to our house. My mom had been out somewhere getting high, so I did the honor and read them myself. When she finally came home about three days later, I told her what they were, and she asked if I wanted to go live with him. I had told her ass no, so she said that I had to move in with my great aunt who lived in Indiana because she could no longer take care of me in her condition. I was fifteen at the time, and I could remember being so mad. Because although she was a terrible mom, I didn’t want to move away from the only place I called home. Unfortunately, it was nothing that I could do about it.

The following week, my mom sent me on a bus down to Indiana, and I moved in with my strict great aunt. About six months after living with her is when I found out that my mom had died of an overdose. I didn’t even cry at the funeral. That’s how little I cared for her ass. Also, that day, I had run into my dad, and he asked the same question that my mom asked when she was alive if wanted to live with him. And just like I’d told her, I said the same thing to him. Hell no! It wasn’t until about a year ago that I’d finally decided to move in with him. That didn’t mean that I wanted to be a part of his life, it was just beneficial for me to be here.

“I’m sorry Averi. I know this is not the ideal situation. Considering how we met and all, but I want to have a relationship with you before I leave this here earth,” He said.

“Well, like I said it’s too late. Go to bed old man,” I said and walked out of the room. I heard him coughing again, but I kept walking. I was done talking to him. I had to get up early, and I wasn’t letting him stop me from that. 


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