Free E-books (Short Stories)

Hello All!

So, I'm going to jump right in. I wanted to bring you guys something special. Earlier this month, my co-authors and I created a book that has some of our short stories in it. Well, our publisher has released those short stories to Amazon & Goodreads. And here's the great part- they're all free. Now, who wouldn't like something free? The stories are all good, and they are available for your reading pleasure. Once again, the short story compilation is free. All you'll need to do is follow the link to download it on Amazon. I believe that my story is about the third or fourth one. I can't remember exactly which one it is. But I know that you'll enjoy those, before and after, along with mine. Once you're done, if you like leave us a review. We love to hear your feedback so that we'll be able to continue bringing you the best stories that we can.

The link is attached above, and below you'll see the cover for the book. As always, thanks for reading! I hope everyone has a great day!

N.L. Hudson

                                                        Natavia Presents Short Story Samples



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