Sneak Peek (All I Ever Wanted Was to Stay Down for You)


I hope everyone is having a great Pre-Thanksgiving day! I can't wait until tomorrow when I'm able to taste some good ole food and enjoy the day with my family. I'm sure you guys are equally ecstatic.

Anywho, to jump right to it here's the second sneak peek that I promised you guys. I hope you enjoy it, and always thanks for reading! I won't be posting tomorrow because I'll be spending the day with my family. So, until next time, arrivederci!

   All I Ever Wanted Was to Stay Down for You- Coming November 29th to a Kindle near you!

   *****Warning, foul language is involved. Maturity is strongly considered. All works are copyrighted, and cannot be used for personal gain or copied without prior permission from Authoress, N.L. Hudson******

Thirty minutes later

Vic and Micah had just arrived at the steakhouse where both had decided to grab dinner. They each loved to eat steaks and couldn’t wait to get their hands on one. For some reason, Micah was extremely hungry. She’d been eating all day, and still didn’t seem to be full. In fact, if she thought about it, Micah had been stuffing herself a lot lately. It was probably why she couldn’t lose her baby weight.
“Hello, is it just the two of you?” A young, male hostess asked.
“Yeah, just us,” Vic said.
“Alright, follow me this way,” He told them while grabbing two menus.
Vic and Micah followed him through the restaurant where they stopped at a little table that was set up for two. The hostess sat the menus down on the table, and then he advised that their waitress would be out in just a few. After that, he left. Once he was gone, Vic quickly walked over to Micah’s side and pulled the chair out so that she could sit down.
“Look at my boo being a gentleman,” She said with an arched brow. Vic was pulling out all the stops that night. After they had dropped Princess off with Micah’s momma, he had stopped by a little flower shop on the way to the restaurant and got her a dozen of long-stemmed red roses. The act had come as a total surprise. Vic had never been the type to buy Micah flowers. He was more of a shopping spree, new car, or a piece of jewelry type of guy. And not that she didn’t like those things, because Micah did. She just also liked the smaller, simple things such as getting a card or flowers every now and then.
“What, you know I’m that nigga,” Vic stated.
“Boy Bye! Don’t go getting cocky,” Micah laughed.
“You know it’s the truth,” Vic stated.
Just then, the waitress came over and introduced herself. She was an average height, curvy white girl, with long brown hair. She had a southern accent that let you know she’d grown up around mostly blacks. The whole time she was taking their order, the waitress just kept starting at Vic in this lustful manner. She was just too thirsty. At least that’s the way that Micah took it. Not once did the girl make eye contact with her. The whole scene was starting to piss Micah off.
“So, do y’all know what you want to drink?” She asked Vic.
“Uh, let me get water for right now. What about you Micah?” he asked.
“I’ll take a strawberry lemonade.”
“Mhm, and do you want to order an appetizer sir,” the waitress asked while pretty much cutting Micah off and keeping her eyes trained on Vic.
“Baby, you know what you want?” Vic asked Micah. She rolled her eyes while taking a deep breath.
“I don’t know yet?” Micah’s tone was stiff and short.
“Aight, so I’ll let you know in a minute what we want,” Vic told the waitress.
“Yeah, you do that. And in the meantime, if there is anything else that I can get for y’all just let me know. I won’t be too far away, okay,” The waitress said with this flirtiness in her tone. Micah sat back watching. She was really appalled by the girl’s boldness. There she was sitting right at the table with Vic, but the bitch acted as if she wasn’t anywhere around. And what was crazy is that Vic seemed to be completely oblivious to what was going on around him. He hadn’t noticed the snarl on Micah’s face. He just sat there carrying on with the waitress.
“Aight, ‘preciate that,” he said.
“No, problem. Don’t forget I’m not too far away. My name is Samantha,” The waitress told him, and then for a while she just stared at Vic with this faraway look in her eyes.
“Um, that’s it. You can go get our stuff now,” Micah finally said reaching her breaking point.
“Oh, okay. Yeah, I will be back,” The waitress said and then turned to leave. She still didn’t glance Micah’s way.
Micah smirked while turning to give Vic the side eye.
“What?” Vic asked.
“Nothing, really. I just see you got a little admirer,” Micah stated. She had to laugh to keep from going off. She’d suddenly started to take notice of how a lot of women had been flirting with Vic there lately. Just a few months back when they were out at the mall a couple of women had stopped him and held a conversation as if she wasn’t standing there. They’d made sure to let him know that they’d seen him at the club, and how they recognized him as one of the club owners. One girl had been bold enough to say that she would love to kick it with him one day in the VIP area. Now, Micah had already felt some type of way that Vic was even entertaining those bitches, but when the chick said that, it really made her mad. Especially when all Vic did was laugh it off. He hadn’t said anything to the girl for getting out of line right in front of his woman. So, Micah took it upon herself to tell them what it was. She’d immediately told the thirsty bitches to beat it. They’d all just looked at her as if she was crazy. But she didn’t give a damn. She had every right to be territorial over her man. And then after they had left, Micah went in on Vic. Of course, he tried to play dumb like he didn’t know what she was mad about. But he knew, just like she did what was wrong with the situation. And it had nothing to do with her being jealous as Vic had tried to make it seem. What Micah had pointed out, was that he should have made them respect her when he saw that it was getting out of line. But Micah figured that Vic just like the attention that he often received. That’s why he never said anything. She also wondered at times did he miss being with different women. Since Vic had never had a real relationship besides theirs, it sometimes made Micah feel that it was all too much for him. And that thought would often bring about the question if she and Vic could make it last. She’d toned down her ways, but Vic thought he could do whatever he wanted.
“Here you go,” Vic said.
“What, I’m saying, you didn’t notice how she was just flirting with you while I was sitting right here?”
“Nah, I didn’t,” Vic said.
“Whatever, you saw it just like I did. But, you know what, I ain’t tripping. Just keep letting these bitches gas your head up,” Micah said, and Vic threw up his hands.
“What I do wrong? I was just sitting here minding my business. Besides, I can’t help that she was flirting with me. You ought to be happy you got a man that every other female wants, but can’t have because I belong to you,” Vic said with a smirk.
“Okay. Keep thinking this is a game. I’mma see how you act when someone tries to holler at me or be all in my face flirting. I want you to sit there and be happy that you got a woman that other guys find desirable. And trust and believe, I still got it. Plenty of men have tried to holler. I just haven’t told you about it.”
“Yeah, aight. Keep playing with me,” Vic said getting a little pissed. He didn’t like to know that other guys were out there trying to get with Micah. It made Vic wonder if she would ever entertain the bullshit. Just like him, she too ate up the extra attention. The only difference was that Micah liked to pretend that she was innocent. She never said anything that she did wrong.
“Oh, so you don’t like to hear that, but I can sit here and watch other women smile and grin in your face, while at the same time disrespect me?” Micah said with a smirk. She’d once again turned the tables on Vic.  
“Nah, it ain’t cool. And if you want, you can check the bitch if she gets out of line again. How about that,” Vic asked. He figured the problem would be solved if he just gave Micah the go-ahead to correct the situation. All he wanted to do was enjoy the evening with his girl and not argue over stupid bullshit. It’s not even like he knew ole girl, so really Vic was like fuck it.
“You just don’t get it, do you?” Micah said.
“What…what I do now? I’m trying to shut all this shit down by telling you to handle the situation.
“See that’s where you got it all wrong. I can talk until I’m blue in the face and these bitches still won’t get it. It needs to come from you that way they’ll really understand,” Micah told him.
“Aight, I get what you saying. If she does something else, then I’ll handle it. Now, can we enjoy the rest of our date?”
“Yes, we can do that. Just as long as you take care of it.”
 “I gotcha,” Vic said. He then pushed his chair back, leaned across the table and planted a kiss on Micah’s lips. She tried to act like she was mad by resisting him at first, but Vic wasn’t having it. “Nah, don’t deny me of what’s mine,” he said smashing his lips into hers.
“Mmm,” she moaned. Just, as usual, he was shutting her up by being all affectionate and whatnot. Micah had learned a little while back that her primary love language was physical touch, and that was probably why Vic was always able to swoon her in with sex and anything else that pertained to him touching her body. See, Vic’s primary love language was words of affirmation, and that was why when he received a lot of attention it made him feel good. It was also the reason why he felt the need to go out of his way to please others. He just had to hear that he was the man that came to everyone’s rescue. Just to hear people say that he’d done something good often boosted Vic’s ego.
Suddenly, the waitress appeared with their drinks in her hand. She enviously stared at the two as they seemed to tongue each other down right there in the restaurant. For a minute, she just stood there watching, and then after getting jealous of the affection, Vic was giving to Micah she decided to break it up. “Ahh-hmm,” she said clearing her throat.
Micah tried to pull back, but Vic grabbed her chin and placed another kiss on her lips. Once again, the waitress just stood there watching. She could have easily placed their drinks on the table and left, but she felt like being petty. Although Samantha didn’t know Vic, she just felt like she had to have him. And because of how he’d initially handled the situation, it made the waitress feel as though she could take him from Micah. Or at least, get the opportunity to hook up with him later.
“Ahh-hmm,” she said again. That time Vic pulled away from he and Micah’s kiss. He slightly turned his head and looked at Samantha. It was then that Vic saw just what Micah had been talking about. Shorty was obviously determined to get his attention no matter what. And that shit was just plain disrespectful.
“Aye, you can put our drinks down and leave. Don’t you see that we are busy?” He said.
“Oh, I um,” The waitress stammered while seemingly caught off guard by the shift of Vic’s attitude. She didn’t understand what had happened, or why he was suddenly so unfriendly. “Well, um what about your order? I need to take them.” Samantha said.
“Nah, you know what, we gonna go somewhere else. I don’t think I like your attitude. You are doing way too much to be a fucking waitress. Not once have you given eye contact to my fiancĂ©, because you too busy staring in my face? Do you treat all your customer’s like that, or did you think ‘cause a nigga was nice it was more than it actually was?” Vic asked.
At that moment, you could have bought her ass for a penny. Samantha’s mouth was open so wide that someone could have put a whole fist in it. She also had this silly little look on her face.
Hmm, that’s what her ass gets, Micah thought with a satisfied smirk as she watched Samantha’s face turn this beet red color. She was glad that Vic had read her.
“I’m sorry, and I apologize for my actions. Is there anything that I can do to make you change your mind about leaving.” Samantha’s tone wasn’t even the same. She’d suddenly lost the ghetto accent and was sounding proper as hell.  
“Nope, and as a matter of fact go get your manager so that I can let them know just how unprofessional you are.”
“My manager?” Samantha asked in a shaky tone. She prayed that Vic wasn’t serious. See, that wasn’t her first time getting into trouble for doing something similar. The last time she was warned about her attitude towards the customers, Samantha’s boss had told her that she’d get fired if one more person reported her. And she couldn’t afford to lose her job. Samantha was a single parent of three children, and that was her only income.
“Yeah, your mana-,”
“Baby, let’s just go. I think she got the point. Maybe next time honey, you’ll think twice about being thirsty, and find a man of your own.” Micah stated.
“You sure,” Vic asked with a raise of his brow.
“Yeah, I’m good,” Micah glanced at the waitress one last time. “Plus, she might need this little job, because I’m sure she doesn’t have an education,” Micah stated, and Vic chuckled. Samantha stood there and didn’t say anything. She’d caught the shade, but it wasn’t worth losing her job over. So, she was going to tuck her tail, and accept whatever came her way just as long as they left without mentioning the incident to her boss. After that, Vic got up walked around the table and pulled the chair out for Micah. He then grabbed her hand, and after placing a kiss on it, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, and the two proceeded to head out. Micah was happy with the way that Vic had handled the situation. However, two things were still bothering her. One, Vic had known all along that the waitress was treating her differently because of him. He’d made that apparent when he was going off. And the second was, had she not said anything would he have just sat there and let her endure it all, so he could continue to get his ego stroked? Micah loved the fact that he corrected things when she asked him to. But what she really preferred was for Vic to grow up, and stop trying to view the world through rose-tinted glasses. A lot of their issues could easily be prevented if he just started to think of how she would feel first instead of waiting for something big to happen and having to apologize for it then. If Micah could get him to do that, then things would be better for the two.


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