Good Morning everyone!

I know that it has been a long time since I last blogged. I have been extremely busy, and not just that, but I've also been dealing with family issues. What I haven't shared with a lot of people is that earlier this year I lost my eight-month-old daughter to SIDS. Yes, of course, I always mention her in my dedications whenever I release a book, but I've never elaborated on the details. I just wasn't ready to let anyone that wasn't close to me know. It has been really difficult for my family and I to cope with. We have our bad days, as well as some terrible days. Now, there are a few good days, but nothing in comparison to what they once were before she passed away. The best way that I've been dealing with the tragedy is to go on with life the best way that I can. I've tried hiding my pain, but as of recently that tactic hasn't worked for me. I assume with the holidays approaching the task of keeping everything bottled inside has become tremendously hard and I sort of just came apart. So, at that point I decided to take a break from a lot of things; blogging of course being one of those things. I have just been spending time with my immediate family, loving on my boys, and sticking close to my husband. I know this may not mean anything to some, but for me, I felt that I just had to share this. As my therapist stated, it's good to find an outlet to release some of my pent up frustration. And this was the best way for me to do that.

Alright, since I don't want to start crying, I'm going to move on to what I've been doing since deciding to take my little hiatus. I, of course, have kept up my writing as it is not just an obligation since I am signed to a publisher, but it always therapeutic for me. I love to write stories because I feel that I can lose myself within them. Some of the characters that I create are like my alter egos, and it just feels good to allow them to escape at times. Lol! I'm not crazy; actually very much sane. I'm pretty sure that other authors feel this way. Anyway, see below summary.

******Warning, if you haven't read All I Ever Wanted Was a Love Like Yours, please don't read this. The passage contains some spoiler alerts********* Also, all content is copyrighted.  The use of any portion of this blog without permission for your own personal gain is subjected to legal actions********

Okay to jump right in, the story that I've just completed is a spin off novel of my title, All I Ever Wanted Was a Love Like Yours. I briefly touched on it a few months back when I first decided to write the story. So, what the new story is about is the love between Micah and Vic. If you can recall they were the supporting couple in the first story. The two were the best friends of Ises and Chaz. They'd met around the same time as their friends, but they couldn't stand one another. It was so bad that every time Micah and Vic even had to be in the same room they would end up arguing. So, as a plot to at least get the two to be amicable towards one another, Chaz and Ises asked Micah and Vic to accompany them on a double date. Initially, both were reluctant but since they didn't want to hear their friend's mouth they ended up going. And just so happen on that date, both Micah and Vic began to notice something in the other that they hadn't had the chance to see because of their supposed dislike. Well, as the night progressed the two actually started to warm up to one another quite nicely. And then once the date was over Vic asked Micah for her number. Surprisingly, she actually gives it to him and after that the two hook up. Unfortunately though, their courtship didn't go as easy as they would have liked. With Micah being a man-eater, and Vic being what most would call a lady's man, there becomes the problem if the two can actually trust one another. And then from there, Micah and Vic start to have this love/hate relationship where one minute they love each other and the next they can't stand the sight of seeing the other coming.

So, basically that's what their story is about. Of course they eventually got together, but not without first facing many hardships. Now I'm showing you the two once they've committed to a relationship. And it's not all peaches and cream like you would think. Micah and Vic face a lot of obstacles. Their story that's coming out this month is call All I Ever Wanted Was to Stay Down for You.

*See below for the synopsis & the cover. Also, you'll get to meet the cast! I will drop a sneak peek or two later for you guys! Thank you, for reading and I hope everyone has a great day!


Your favorite couple, Micah and Vic are back, and this time they've brought plenty of drama. Someone from Vic's past pops up and causes major turmoil between the two. Since Micah and Vic have always had that sort of love and hate relationship it becomes a question as to whether the hate outshines the love. Real love is what keeps you together, right? Well, that may be the case, but when you have road blocks at every turn sometimes it's easier to just walk away. Will the two that everyone has grown to adore be able to keep it together, or will the problems be too much for them to endure?

Cover - On the left
Cast- From left to right (Micah, Tamala, Kayden, Vic, Kejuan, TJ, Melena, & Zion.  

 ***This is a standalone with room for a few spinoffs***


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