Sneak Peek of upcoming release for November 29th!

Good Morning Everyone!

As promised, I am here to deliver the sneak peeks for my upcoming novel, All I Ever Wanted Was to Stay Down for You! *****Please be advised, foul language is included. Maturity is recommended. Also, all works are copyrighted. Any portion of this material used for personal gain is subject to legal action.****

 Thank you for reading, and I hope that you enjoy!




“See, that wasn’t so bad,” Zion said to Kayden, as they rode in his car. They were headed for Zion to take her home. He’d tried to convince her to stay out later, but of course, Kayden had told him no. She’d already done enough by sneaking out the house. Staying the night with him would be like Kayden signing her own death certificate. Vic would surely kill her at that point.

“It was okay,” Kayden replied. She still had her reservations about losing her virginity. Kayden could have actually gone without doing it. She didn’t see how Ericka said she enjoyed it so much. In her opinion, sex was highly overrated, and it wasn’t anything that she was in a rush to do again.

“Damn, so it was just okay?” Zion asked glancing her way.

“I mean, yeah. It wasn’t anything to shout out to the world,” Kayden said, and he chuckled.

“Well, soon enough it will be,” Zion stated cockily, and she rolled her eyes.

“Whatever,” Kayden said waving him off.

Whoop Whoop, the siren of a police cruiser pulling behind them alerted Zion. “Fuck,” he said.

“What did you do,” Kayden asked as she tried to turn around.

“Aye, don’t look back there,” Zion yelled at her.

“Okay. I’m sorry,” Kayden said. “What did you do?”

“Nothing that I know of,” Zion told Kayden. “But look, I got an eight ball of weed in my arm console.

“WHAT!” Kayden yelled.

“Yeah, and my license suspended,” Zion admitted.

“Oh, my, God, then why are you riding around with dope on you if you’re not legit?” Kayden asked.

“Listen, quit asking me fucking questions. If it comes down to it, then you just gonna tell them that’s it yours.”

“Oh, hell nah! I ain’t doing that. Vic will kill me.”

“Look, are you fucking your brother or something?”

“What, you talking crazy. Why would you say some dumb shit like that?”

“Because every time I turn around you always talking about how he gonna be mad at you. What I just tell you earlier. Either you fucking with me or not. Let me know now, so I’ll know if I need to find me another bitch who is willing to stand by my side.”

“Alright, fine. I’ll say it’s mine if they search us,” Kayden said lifting the middle console and grabbing out the bag of weed. She took it and stuffed it down her bra. At the same time, the police officer stepped out of the car and made his way over to them. He’d already run the tags and saw that they were expired.

 “Aight, here he comes. Remember, just play it cool. If they ask, I’m somebody in your family and was just taking you home,” Zion said as he peered through the side view mirror. He saw the tall, stocky, white officer walking towards his car. At that moment, Zion could only pray that he didn’t go to jail. Not only was his license and tags expired but he also didn’t have any insurance. Then the vehicle was registered in one of his cousin’s baby momma’s name. Shit wasn't looking good for him.

Tap, Tap! The officer knocked on his window and Zion rolled it down.

“Yes, can I help you, sir?” Zion asked in the most proper voice that he could muster.

“License, registration, and insurance,” The policeman barked.

“Um, can you please tell me why you’re pulling me over?”

“You were doing 55 in a 45 zone. Now, license, registration, and insurance,” The policemen repeated in that same angry tone.

Zion knew then that it was over for him. He didn’t even have his license with him, and if he did the officer would see that they were expired. He glanced at Kayden as if she would be able to do something to help him out of the situation. However, all she did was turn to look the other way. She was so mad that she could kill Zion for getting them into that situation.

“Well,” the policeman said.

“I don’t have it,” Zion said turning back his way with a blank expression.

“Just what I thought,” the officer said. “Get out of the car.”
 He then leaned in and shined the light on Kayden’s face. “You, slowly step out, too, and place your hands in the air.”

Kayden rolled her eyes and released her seatbelt. Opening her door with ease, she got out of the vehicle and did just what the officer told her to do. She looked at him as he pulled Zion from the car and began to pat him down. After he was done with his body search, the officer pulled his cuffs out and placed them on Zion’s wrists. He took his walkie-talkie and held it up to his mouth. “Yeah, I need backup,” the officer was saying, but Kayden had tuned him out. The only thing on her mind was how she knew that Vic would flip out if she went to juvenile detention again. But if Kayden didn’t tell the people that it was her weed then Zion would be in major trouble. He was already on probation. So, what choice did she have? A few minutes passed by, and a second police cruiser finally pulled up behind them with its lights on. Kayden watched as it came to an abrupt stop, and a black female officer stepped out of the car. From where she stood, Kayden could tell that the woman was one of those hard leg females. Her walk was harder than the male policeman. And from her experiences of dealing with the law, Kayden had learned that those type always had a point to prove. They were mean as hell and were the no-nonsense type.

“What’s going on,” the police lady asked the other officer. The whole time she had her eyes trained on Kayden and Zion.

“Well, I’m about to search his vehicle and see if he has any illegal substances inside. But, he’s going in for no ID, insurance, registration, and his tags are expired. I need you to see what’s up with her,” he nodded his head at Kayden.

“Yes, sir. I’ll stay right here while you go put him in the cruiser. I can also search her.”

Oh, shit, Kayden thought as the female officer made her way over to her. “Hey, how old are you girl?” she asked.

“I’m sixteen,” Kayden told her while nervously fidgeting with her hands. She prayed that the woman wasn’t going to search like she’d said.

“Okay, and who is that guy to you?” The officer asked.

“Um, he’s my cousin,” Kayden lied quickly.

“Your cousin, huh?” The officer repeated as if she knew that Kayden was lying.

“Yeah, he’s my first cousin,” Kayden said.

“Oh, okay. So where were you and your cousin coming from and headed to this early in the morning?”

“I was over to my aunt’s house, and she told him to take me home,” Kayden said with a straight face. The officer looked at her through squinted eyes while tilting her head.

“Alright, so who do you live with?” she asked.

“I live with my brother, his fiancĂ© and my niece.”

“Hmm, well your cousin,” The officer said holding up quotations. “Is going to jail. Is there anything illegal in the car?” she asked.

“No, not that I know of. Like I said, my cousin was just giving me a ride home,” Kayden said.

“Mhm, you’re not lying are you?”

“No, I don’t have a reason to,” Kayden said, and the officer stared at her. And then after a while, she turned to the other officer. “Hey, did you find anything?” she asked just as he finished searching the car.

“No, it’s clean.” He said.

“Okay.” The officer said turning back to Kayden.

“Who can we call to come and get you?”

“Um, I guess I can call my brother,” Kayden said.

“Well, go ahead so he can come get you. Because if you can’t get anybody, then I’mma have to take you in,” the woman said.

“Okay, but I need to get my phone out of the car,” Kayden told her. The officer nodded her head while allowing Kayden to step over to the car to retrieve her things. When she had her purse in hand, Kayden took her cell out and began to dial a number. She figured that she might as well go ahead and face the music. Placing the phone to her ear, she waited for an answer. The line rang five times, and then the voice came over the phone.

“Hello,” Micah groggily said into the phone.

“Hey, I need you to come and pick me up.”

“Pick you up from where? I thought you were at home.”

“It’s a long story. Can you please come and get me. I’m with the police on the side of Tillman and Standford,” Kayden explained.


“Yes, and I don’t have much time. The police said if no one comes to pick me up, they are taking me in. So, are you coming?” Kayden asked.

“Yeah, give me like ten minutes, and I’ll be there.”

“Okay. Thank you, Micah,” Kayden said relieved, but Micah had already hung up on her. Kayden really didn’t care about that. She was just thankful that Micah was coming to get her and that she wouldn’t end up in the backseat next to Zion. She was also happy that the policeman hadn’t searched her. Kayden figured it was probably because of her age. Now, she just had to find some way to convince Micah not to mention the situation to Vic. 


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